Robin Fowler and Kelly Handy at the University of Florida will discuss the implementation of a rule-based chatbot to accompany the UF Libraries’ Ask A Librarian virtual reference service. The goal of the chatbot was to streamline the virtual chat experience while still encouraging librarian-patron interactions. It outlines the development of the chat workflows for the bot through survey and analysis, workflow creation using Springshare’s chatbot tool, and implementation. The presentation will also discuss the struggles experienced during implementation, usage data and preliminary outcomes of the new chatbot, and next steps for continued improvement.
Robin Fowler, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida (she/her), is the Physical Sciences and Engineering Librarian at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida. She spent five years as the Site Coordinator for the Ask a Librarian virtual reference service and currently serves on the RUSA-RSS Virtual Reference Services Committee. Robin has presented at the North American Virtual Online Conference, ALA Annual Conference, and FACRL Annual Conference, and was a research team member on the IMLS-funded project, “Researching Students’ Information Choices: Determining Identity and Judging Credibility in Digital Spaces.” Robin’s research interests include the impact of emerging technologies in academic libraries on student success, and the relationship between student wellness and student engagement initiatives in academic libraries. Prior to her work at the UF Libraries, Robin was a School Library Media Specialist.
Kelly Handy, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida (she/her), is the Assistant User Services Manager and Public Services Associate at Library West at the University of Florida. She is the coordinator and trainer for the University of Florida LibAnswers ticketing system, as well as the student assistant supervisor for her department. Kelly has presented at the Access Services in Libraries Annual Conference, the Southern Library Support Staff Annual Conference, the NEFLIN Annual Conference, and FACRL Annual Conference. Kelly’s research interests include staff/student support and wellness, neurodiversity in the workplace, and finding new ways to share resources and communicate best with preferred learning styles. She recently became involved with the Diverse BookFinder team. Prior to her work at the UF Libraries, Kelly worked for a public library system for 17 years in the Children’s and Teen Services and Member Services departments.
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Hosted by FLVC