Instruction Meeting – March 28, 2024

Members attending: Alex Deeke, Heather Koopmans, Abigail Mann, Heather Koopmans, Firouzeh Rismiller, Zohra Saulat, Rebecca Starkey

Members absent: Guillermo Gasca, Claire Reinert, Stacey Shah

Staff attending: Denise Green, Debbie Campbell


  • Local Meeting Check-In @ Elgin 4.25: 18 registrants current (registration open until April 10)- 2 CARLI; 3 committee (incl. Stacey); 3 Elgin staff
  • Showcase: Mariá Emerson accepted offer to be Showcase keynote speaker


  • The Instruction Committee reviewed Showcase CFP submissions and decided on presenters, presentation grouping, and tentative timing
  • The meeting was adjourned at 2:45

Tasks Assigned

  • Denise and Debbie will forward CARLI presenter permission form to Alex
  • Alex will notify accepted presenters and discuss modifications to session lengths
  • Alex will discuss potential keynote topics with Mariá
  • Debbie will send out survey to schedule next meeting

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

  • Next Meeting: TBD
  • Schedule of Instruction Committee Meetings:
    • Thursday, April 25, 11-2 Local Get Together @ Elgin CC!
    • Thursday, May 23, 1-3 pm on Zoom
    • Thursday, June 27, 1-3 pm on Zoom