Public Services Committee Meeting: May 15, 2024

Zoom / Conference Call

Members attending: Jennifer Lau-Bond (Harper College), Ashley McMullin (DePaul University) co-chair, Charity Ringel (University of Illinois Springfield), Gretchen Schneider (Oakton College), Kimberly Shotick (Northern Illinois University), Arlie Sims (Columbia College Chicago) co-chair, Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)

Members absent: Steve Brantley (Eastern Illinois University), Beth Hultman (Elgin Community College), Simone Williams (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)

CARLI Staff attending: Denise Green


  • Minutes of May 1st, 2024 meeting approved.
  • The time of the June 24th program was decided: It will take place from 1:00 -2:00 p.m.
  • The title of the June 24th program will be “What Do We Do Now? Generative AI and the Academic Library’s Role on Campus.”
  • Denise will draft an email soliciting volunteers/nominations for next year’s PSC chair or co-chairs and send it to Arlie and Ashley to approve before sending it out to the committee members.

Tasks Assigned

  • Minutes taken by Lesley Wolfgang.


  • Member Announcements:
    • Charity Ringel (University of Illinois Springfield): The library is very close to hiring a new Head of Information Literacy.
    • Gretchen Schneider (Oakton College): Meeting with architects regarding construction of learning commons at the Des Plaines campus, and almost ready to move back into the space at Skokie.
  • CARLI Announcements:
    • No announcements


  • The committee’s Annual Report has been drafted by Ashley and will be updated with the marketing information for the committee’s generative AI program.
  • The group discussed how to organize the hour allotted for the program on June 24th, and it was decided that the first ten minutes would be the introduction to the program and description of the survey and the responses the committee received; speakers from each of the three institutions would be given up to ten minutes to present, leaving 20 minutes for questions.
  • Gretchen volunteered to summarize the survey and create slides of the summary for the first part of the program.
  • Charity agreed to come up with a list of guidelines and potential question prompts for the presenters.
  • Jennifer offered to serve as program moderator, and to receive the presenters’ slides.
  • The topic of whether to record the program was discussed, and it was decided that the presenters should be given the option to weigh in on whether they were comfortable with it being recorded. Charity will ask the presenters about this, and that information can be included in the marketing email.
  • It was agreed that there should be another meeting prior to the June 24th program to make sure everything was in order and everyone knows their roles, and many of the members said they could meet on Thursday, June 20th from noon until 1:00pm. Denise will send the calendar invite.
  • The meeting adjourned at 3:35pm.

Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines

The Public Services Committee will next meet on Thursday, June 20th, 2024, from 12:00-1:00pm. Minutes: TBD

Committee’s Annual Report is due May 31st.
Presenters should create slides for their presentations and send them to Jennifer Lau-Bond by June 19th.