New Directors' Institute

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 9:00am to Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 3:00pm

Please register to attend this in-person program geared towards new directors (typically in their role 3 or less years). Although the intended audience is new directors, any CARLI member library director is welcome to attend.

Seats at this event are limited.

Meeting Location: This event will be held in the Humanities Room at the I Hotel Conference Center in Champaign, IL. Parking is free.

Meals and overnight lodging at the Champaign Holiday Inn will be included at no cost to attendees.

Registration closes on May 14. 


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

9 a.m.

Welcome and Introductions
Anne Craig, Senior Director, CARLI

10 a.m. Break

10:15 a.m.

CARLI Services Overview

11 a.m.  Library Building and Remodeling
Fred Schlipf, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Fred Schlipf is coauthor of The Practical Handbook of Library Architecture: Creating Building Spaces that Work. He has consulted on about 200 library construction projects and has visited library buildings at every opportunity. He was an adjunct professor at the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois for 50 years, where he specialized in teaching practical issues in library architecture. He was director of The Urbana Free Library from 1974 through 2007 and earned a PhD from the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago.

Noon Lunch

1 p.m.

Illinois State Library: Grant Opportunities for Academic Libraries
Karen Egan, Associate Director, Illinois State Library

2 p.m.

Building a Successful Budget
Ben Mead-Harvey, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This session will provide attendees with a high-level overview of budgeting in libraries. We will examine nuances of the word “budget” and what that implies about how we discuss budgets with various departments within the organization, share similarities and differences in the budget process across organizations, and discuss long-term strategies for weathering budget cuts. We will finish by demonstrating how human bias impacts budgetary decision-making.


3 p.m. Leave for Grainger Library
Tour of the Grainger Library Idea Lab
4 p.m. Break
6 p.m. Dinner at Riggs Beer Company

    Thursday, May 23, 2024

    9 a.m.

    Library Storytelling with Data: Argument, Evidence, and Emotion
    Kate McDowell, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Learn how to bring data stories to life for library advocacy. Participants will learn about ongoing research identifying classic library stories told to persuade decision-makers as part of the Data Storytelling Toolkit for Librarians grant (IMLS). Tools every library can use include:

    • Five classic advocacy arguments
    • Evidence and forms of data for those arguments
    • Narrative strategies that draw from classic story structures
    • Tone and tactics for emotionally engaging storytelling to different audiences, including positive, negative, mixed, and polarized by misinformed/disinforming audience members.

    Dr. Kate McDowell has worked with regional, national, and international nonprofits including the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO, part of WHO, on an Anti-Infodemic Virtual Center addressing mis/dis/malinformation in health contexts) and the Public Library Association (PLA, speaking about data storytelling). Her nationally funded project Data Storytelling Toolkit for Librarians with co-PI Dr. Matthew Turk is underway ( She has trained advancement professionals across the University of Illinois system (Chicago, Springfield, Urbana-Champaign) and provided storytelling consulting for multiple statewide and national nonprofits and consortia. Kate received the 2022 ASIS&T Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award for her innovative storytelling and data storytelling teaching.

    Data Storytelling Toolkit for Librarians website


    10 a.m. Break

    10:30 a.m.

    Directors’ Panel: Your Questions and Their Reflection

    • Michelle Boulle Smith, North Central College
    • Carlolyn Ciesla, Elmhurst University
    • Dennis Krieb, Lewis & Clark Community College
    • Eric Ruckh, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
    • Devin Savage, Illinois Institute of Technology
    • Rachelle Stivers, Heartland Community College
    Noon Lunch

    1 p.m.

    Building/Maintaining Institutional Support & Your Elevator Speech
    Jennifer McIntosh, Associate Dean, College of DuPage

    2:30 p.m. Wrap-up and Feedback