Conference Call / Zoom
Members attending:
- Patti Gibbons, University of Chicago
- Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
- Gabriel Hamer, Newberry Library
- Shelby Strommer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, co-chair
- Bradley Wiles, Northern Illinois University
Members absent:
- Theresa Embrey, Pritzker Military Museum & Library
- Jade Kastel, Western Illinois University
- Heidi Marshall, Columbia College Chicago
CARLI Staff attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Tonia Grafakos.
- Elizabeth or Nicole will investigate ADA recommendations as it pertains to the preservation resources page.
- Elizabeth will reach out to IFSI to gather information on cost and possible scheduling for the fire salvage workshop.
- Preservation topics articles series for 2023-2024 will be titled: Disaster Planning 101
- Member Announcements: none
- CARLI Announcements:
- Membership updates
- Nicole and Elizabeth will work to fill the vacancy on the committee. Other possible committee recommendations should be sent to Nicole and Elizabeth.
- Interest in co-chair position will be discuss in the next meeting.
- Discussion took place for a title for the Monthly Preservation Topics. The group settled on Disaster Planning 101.
- Preservation Resources webpage
- The possibility to change the links on the resource page so that they open in a new window was discussed. If the committee decides to move forward it take some time for the updates to take place. The committee also discussed if the resources page follows ADA recommendations. Nicole and Elizabeth will investigate the topic further.
- 2023-2024 committee project/continuing education programming
- Elizabeth is gathering information on cost for the IFSI fire salvage workshop. There is a possibility to add a component on the use of fire extinguishers for an additional fee.
- CARLI Meeting November 16
- Shelby has volunteered to attend and present on a preservation topic. The format of the afternoon session is still be finalized. Elizabeth will provide more information as it becomes available. The annual meeting is open to all CARLI members but because the directors meeting takes place just before the annual meeting, there is a large contingent of directors at the annual meeting.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
The next Preservation Committee meeting will be October 23, 2023, at 1pm.
Future Committee Meeting Dates:
October 23, 2023, minutes taker: Heidi Marshall
November 13, 2023, minutes taker: Bradley Wiles
December 11, 2023, minutes taker: Theresa Embrey
January 8, 2024, minutes taker: Patti Gibbons
February 12, 2024, minutes taker: Tonia Grafakos
March 11, 2024, minutes taker: Gabriel Hamer
April 8, 2024, minutes taker: Jade Kastel
May 13, 2024, minutes taker: Heidi Marshall
June 10, 2024, minutes taker: Shelby Strommer