9:30-11:00 am
Present: Tammie Busch (co-chair) (Souther Illinois University Edwardsville), Susan Howell (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), George Gottschalk (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Lauren Noel (Columbia College Chicago), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Robin Mize (University of Illinois Springfield)
Members Absent: None
CARLI Staff Attending: Martin Kong, Jen Masciadrelli, Adrienne Radzvickas, Ted Schwitzner
Minutes Taker: Jackie Zook (Northeastern Illinois University)
Minutes from January are approved.
Jennifer mentioned the latest newsletter that details many professional development events, so check the CARLI calendar. Ted highlighted new lightning talks and the latest is a lab discussion around what individual libraries use for technology, to be held June 8. The CARLI office has downsized and moved to the Heartland Library system’s office. All staff are now remote. This will provide space for CARLI meetings or board meetings.
Core interest group week, beginning March 7. George is interested in suggestions for a group social hour during ALA this summer in Chicago. Send any ideas on any libraries that may be interested in hosting such event.
Best practices document. Jennifer, Ted began looking at this document and determined:
1) Regrouping content but may not be able to call some content a ‘policy’. 2) Cooperative Cataloging defining policies (OCLC/I-Share clients in good standing) from best practices.
Brent finished up the OCLC training and presented on Authority Control. He was expecting more questions. Comments were good. Ted: authority control – how do you get a heading and applying and interweaving into cataloging the item.
Tammie and Susan created a survey for participants who attended the training series. The committee reviewed the questions with feedback. It was decided to use a Likert scale on some questions as well as yes/no on others. The goal was to reduce the number of open-ended responses. CARLI will be responsible for executing the survey to those who registered for the discussion sessions. Survey will be anonymous.
Jen doesn’t have an update on ethical/equitable cataloging. Ted suggested another committee to group all DEI issues and ethical/equitable cataloging. More discussion next month on making a recommendation on issues already decided. Ex. Illegal aliens.
Ted: Suggested priorities for bibliographic holdings and item maintenance needs to be visited changing content from Voyager to ALMA. Many recommendations will no longer be valid and others need to be revised for the ALMA environment. TS committee will start evaluating the current priorities for the I-Share environment and what are the philosophical reasons we need this document. Tammie agreed it would be helpful to have an updated document. The goal is not to revise the Voyager document, but create a new document for ALMA. This is also related to our Best Practices… document currently being revised.