Members present: Allan Berry (UIC), Alice Creason (LEW), Marlee Graser (SIE), Andrew Belongea (COL), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Matt Short (NIU)
Members absent: Colin Koteles (COD), Aimee Walker (JOL), Rachelle Stivers (HRT)
CARLI Staff Present: Jessica Gibson, Amy Maroso
1. Review and approve minutes from November.
2. Sub-Committee Reporting
- FRBR group (Alice, Andrew)
- Met before Thanksgiving
- Have tested in the institutional sandbox; next step is to continue testing at the NZ level
- Andrew shared that they’re figuring out how to apply rules to create sets -
- Alice added that they’re hyper focused on the “Bible problem” but have made some real progress
- Local fields (Matt, Marlee)
- Fields to distribute may be found here: Bib Local Fields for display to distribute from NZ list draft_20220511.xlsx
- Jessica met with the Tech Services Committee for their feedback; next will meet with the Instruction Committee
- Next step is testing in the NZ sandbox and reviewing feedback; this work isn’t dependent on reindexing so may be shared once it is complete
- Local resource types (Andrew, Alice, Lindsey)
- Andrew is a regular expressions pro - has updated some of the definitions to include RDA fields
- Subcommittee is currently testing in sandboxes; next step is testing in the NZ sandbox
- Andrew will be joining the Tech Services Committee tomorrow for feedback on our first “round” of resource type configurations - they’re available in the Local Resource Types for NZ spreadsheet
- This work relates to reindexing so the plan is to have all recommendations/types ready to go in July
- Usability best practices (Lindsey, Aimee, Allan, Colin, Rachelle)
- We presented the Usability 101 webinar yesterday; around 40 attended
- Next webinar is coming in the Spring! Group will resume planning in the new year
- Jessica and Amy will share survey results with us once aggregated
3. Ex Libris Idea Exchange
- Committee discussed how to get this off the ground:
- Folks likely need some instruction regarding creating an account; perhaps we can have a “voter registration” campaign
- We could create a cute graphic and solicit Idea Exchange “ideas” to vote on from the greater CARLI group
- Allan will create a graphic and start drafting form questions - CARLI would be able to host the form
- Homework: All committee members should review the “ideas” in Idea Exchange Primo VE Items
- Add any you’d like to see supported
- Mark “+1” for ones you’d like to support
- Many thanks to Alice for adding those that are currently listed!
4. New meeting times for January, February, March
- Due to CARLI conflicts, Jessica or Amy will send out polls to find suitable meeting times for our next three meetings