Conference Call / Zoom
Members attending:
- Rob DeLand, VanderCook College of Music
- Teri Embrey, Pritzker Military Museum & Library
- Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
- Jade Kastel, Western Illinois University
- Ellen Keith, Chicago History Museum
- Bridget Lerette, Harper College
- Heidi Marshall, Columbia College Chicago
- Shelby Strommer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Member absent:
- Melina Avery, University of Chicago
CARLI Staff attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Bridget Lerette.
- The May meeting was rescheduled to May 10, 2023 due to scheduling conflicts with CARLI.
- The meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m. CST.
- Member Announcements:
- Tonia Grafakos (Northwestern University) The library has two open positions. For further information on the positions and instructions on how to apply is available at:
- Teri Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum & Library) They are starting to hire for the new Somers, WI branch location. The job descriptions will be posted here in the very near future.
- Melina Avery (University of Chicago) The University of Chicago Library is hiring for positions that may be of interest to our committee and networks. The list includes Director of Special Collections, several archivist positions, and Digital Scholarship Librarian among others. The full listing is on their website. (announcement via email)
- CARLI Announcements:
- Please advertise and share on lists, including MAC and Chicago Area Archivists, the upcoming iPRES global conference on digital preservation. iPRES 2023 will be held in Urbana-Champaign, hosted by the University of Illinois from September 19 through the 22. They will also have Chicago Site Visits on Saturday, September 23.
- Thank you to Bridget Lerette for reviewing our survey on archives. It has been sent out and currently has 58 responses. The survey closes March 6, 2023.
- Rescheduling the May meeting was discussed due to CARLI scheduling conflicts. The new possible dates were either May 10th or 31st. Consensus was to move the meeting to May 10, 2023.
- Annual project of Archival Preservation 101 articles. Rob sent Elizabeth the completed article and it is ready to publish. It is up on the website and will be shared in the CARLI newsletter. Bridget is working on the March Cloud vs. Physical article and needs to complete by March 22, 2023.
- Updates to the Preservation Links were discussed.
- All the modifications approved in the last meeting have been applied on the website. The committee approved a new link in Section 10. Legal to Federal Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations, and Orders webpage from the National Park Service
- There was discussion about planning an event for this fall. Elizabeth stated that CARLI needs 4 to 6 months’ notice for an in-person event. Rob advocated for bringing back the event planned before the pandemic at the Newberry and CHM. Further discussion suggested the committee wait until fall and plan an event in the spring.
- Shelby discussed a water response event that is in the early planning stages for fall 2023. It will be sponsored by the Chicago Area AIC. Tonia offered her assistance with the event.
- Shelby asked if others are planning anything for Preservation Week (the first week in May), and if CARLI or other institutions were interested in collaborating with UIUC on something. UIUC is planning an AV Preservation webinar open to everyone. CARLI will be able to publicize the event in the newsletter and put out on the email list. Elizabeth said in the past CARLI has done publicity in honor of Preservation Week.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
The next Preservation Committee meeting will be March 22, 2023.
Future Committee Meeting Dates:
March 22, 2023, minutes taker, Heidi
April 26, 2023, minutes taker, Shelby
May 10, 2023, minutes taker, Rob
June 28, 2023, minutes taker, Theresa
Deadlines: Preservation links must be checked by the June committee meeting, June 28, 2023