Members present: Andrew Belongea (COL), Allan Berry (UIC), Alice Creason (LEW), Aimee Walker (JOL), Rachelle Stivers (HRT), Marlee Graser (SIE), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Colin Koteles (COD), Matt Short (NIU)
Members absent: None.
CARLI Staff Present: Jessica Gibson, Amy Maroso
- Minutes from August meeting were approved.
- Alice Creason was confirmed as notetaker for the meeting.
- Reviewed the note-taker roster for the rest of the year:
- Allan Berry (October)
- Colin Koteles (November)
- Lindsey Skaggs (December)
- Marlee Graser (January)
- Matt Short (February)
- Rachelle Stivers (March)
- Andrew Belongea (April)
- Aimee Walker (May)
- Alice Creason (June)
- Areas of investigation/sub-committees
Several members stated they were not receiving committee emails. Discussed sub-group members and where more volunteers are needed.
- Dedup/FRBR
Alice designated lead for group.
- Local fields
Marlee joined Local Fields sub-group. Matt designated lead.
- Local resource types
Andrew designated as lead.
- Usability
Aimee Walker and Allan joined the sub-group. Lindsey designated as lead.
- Allan recommended that the sub-groups meet before the next meeting and discuss priorities/goals for each group. Reminder to include Jessica and Amy on any Doodle polls or meeting invites for the sub-groups. Amy will set up Zoom rooms for the sub-groups.
- Other topics/questions
Lindsey provided some background on the sub-groups and how they were formed. She also started discussion of possible deliverables for the sub-groups. The committee also discussed webinars or lab reports as part of the CARLI Office Hours as possible avenues for communication with the membership.
- PrimoVE Update Review
Jessica did a report at the last Office Hours for recent PrimoVE updates that was well-received. The committee briefly discussed ways to review and communicate changes to the membership.