Theresa Embrey, Pritzker Military Library and Museum
Nora Gabor, DePaul University
Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University, co-chair
Jade Kastel, Western Illinois University
Ellen Keith, Chicago History Museum
Becky Koch, Illinois State University
William Schlaack, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
CARLI Staff attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Board Liaisons:
Pattie Piotrowski, University of Illinois Springfield
Tasks Assigned
Minutes taken by Nora Gabor.
The meeting began at 10:35am.
The May minutes were approved.
Jade and Melina will be the Preservation committee co-chairs for 2022-2023.
Meeting adjourned at 11:06 am.
Member Library Announcements:
Ellen Keith (Chicago History Museum): Archival materials are moved back and are continuing to become available as they are checked in.
Pattie Piotrowski (University of Illinois Springfield): The university archivist position for University of Illinois Springfield will be posted soon.
Tonia Grafakos (Northwestern University): Outside of the meeting, Tonia sent the committee information about the Chicago Alliance for Response Kick-off Forum taking place at the Chicago History Museum on June 29, 2022. At the meeting Tonia asked of those who registered if you need to be a member of AIC to sign up. You do not need to be a member, but you will need an AIC login. The group was encouraged to share widely.
Rob DeLand (VanderCook College of Music): Rob shared that Music Reference Services Quarterly reached out to see if he would be willing to expand his April Newsletter tip “Quick Tips for Disasters & Emergencies: Salvage Priorities Roadmap” into an article for them. It is currently in the works.
CARLI Announcements:
Nicole shared that four new appointments to the Preservation Committee have been confirmed for 2022-2023. They are:
Bridget Lerette, Harper College, 3-year term
Heidi Marshall, Columbia College Chicago, 3-year term
Shelby Strommer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 3-year term
Quick Tips for Disasters & Emergencies: Article Assignments
Melina is writing up the wrap-up.
Jade’s interview with Julie Wroblewski from the Chicago History Museum is finished, she is just waiting for approval from Julie.
Checking Preservation Links
We are in pretty good shape, almost all links have been checked. Will is planning to check his before rolling off the committee.
Final report
The report was submitted. The CARLI board met on Friday and confirmed that they had received the committee reports and thanked all the committees for their work this year.
Nominations for 2022-2023 committee chair(s)
Melina and Jade will be the chairs for the 2022-2023 committee.
Elizabeth and Nicole will help organize the first meeting for 2022-2023 and create the agenda.
The committee chairs and members should consider whether they would like to have their meeting in person if possible. There would be a virtual option even if the meeting is held in person.
Thank yous
The group thanked Tonia and Rob for all their excellent work as co-chairs for 2021-2022.
The chairs thanked the group for their hard work.
The group thanked the article writers.
The group also thanked our CARLI staff and board members, Elizabeth, Nicole, and Pattie.
The committee thanked the three committee members rolling off for their service: