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CARLI Shared Analytics Reports: Course Reserves

Finding and Copying Reports

Reports listed on this page will typically be shared reports from the CARLI Network folder of your analytics catalog. 

Shared Folders > Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK > Course Reserves Reports

Some reports may be found in other topic-specific folders, as identified by the Path entry for each report description.

Copying a Report

Any user with the Designs Analytics role may copy a report into your institution's shared reports folder.

  1. Open Analytics: Go to Analytics > Access Analytics.
  2. Click Catalog.
  3. Expand the Shared Folders down to CARLI's shared reports:
    e.g., Shared Folders > Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK > Course Reserves Reports.
  4. Locate the report by name in the list. When found, select More > Copy.
  5. Change folders into your institution's reports folder.
    e.g., Shared Folders > [institution name] > Reports
  6. Click the Paste button on the toolbar.
  7. Click Edit to do a test-run of the report.
  8. Return to Alma.

Shared Course Reserves Reports

Course Reserves Loans by Title

Path to Report: /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/Course Reserves Reports
What it does: Lists the loan counts for titles that are present as citations on courses. This only includes titles that remain on a course reading list; deleted titles are no longer reported here.
This might be useful for: Tracking use of course reserve materials.
Fields in the final report: Associated course code, associated course name, title, loan fiscal year, Loans (not in house)
Author: Ted Schwitzner 
Author's library: CARLI
Posted: 6/10/2022


Path to Report: /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/Course Reserves Reports
What it does: Provides a list of all courses in Course Reserves, with the COURSE_ID field included, which is needed for the Course Bulk Update job. This report excludes the default Ex Libris course with Course Code "EXLIBRIS_DEFAULT_COURSE" and Course Name "No Course Assigned". 
This might be useful for: To create a file of "COURSE_ID"s that can be used to create a set in Alma that is needed for the Course Bulk Update job.
Fields in the final report: Course ID, Course Code, Course Name, Processing Department, Course Year, Course Term, Current Course Start Date, Current Course End Date
Author: Martin Kong
Author's library: CARLI
Posted: 10/03/2022