The reports included in the Annual Statistics Package have been designed by CARLI staff and CARLI committees to provide basic data to meet many of the reporting needs of the I-Share libraries. This document describes the reports in the statistics package and provides suggestions about how to use and interpret them.
NOTE: This page and the reports described cover only Alma data (for years 2021 onward).
CARLI staff shared information on this package in the January 2024 Alma Primo VE Open Office Hours.
I-Share Annual Statistical Package: Find the Right Report

Slide deck (PDF)
Slide deck (PPT)
I-Share Annual Statistical Package: Tips on using these reports to fill out surveys from external agencies
For details on the Voyager-era versions of these reports, see I-Share Annual Statistical Package for Voyager Data (covering years 2003-2020).
Updated 9/27/2024
- General Information about the Annual Statistics Package
1a. Annual Stats File Format
- Description of the reports in the Annual Statistics Package
2a. Collection Analysis (Physical Resources)
2b. Collection Analysis (Electronic Resources)
2c. Circulation Activity
2d. Automatic Fulfillment Network (AFN) Circulation: Where the Item and Patron are from Different Libraries
- Tips on Using These Reports to Fill out Surveys from External Agencies
3a. ILLINET Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing Survey
3b. ACRL/IPEDS Survey
1. General Information about the Annual Statistics Package
CARLI staff run most of these statistics on July 1 for all I-Share libraries. If your library has informed CARLI that your fiscal year begins on a date other than July 1, then you also receive statistics aligned with your fiscal year. A few of the reports are run more frequently, as noted below in the descriptions of the reports.
When the statistics are run by CARLI staff, they are deposited as Excel files in the CARLI ftp account belonging to your institution.
- The name of each annual statistics file is given in the description of each report, below.
- The I-Share Liaison at your institution should know the username and password for your institution's CARLI ftp account; they may have shared this connection information with other staff as well. There is only one username/password per institution for the CARLI ftp account.
- Remember that files are deleted from the ftp directory after 60 days.
- Each I-Share library should make sure that someone fetches and retains the files so that you have them when you need them.
Most of these statistics are also available as Alma Analytics analyses (the exceptions are some of the AFN statistics).
- For the circulation and acquisitions analyses, you can run them in Analytics for other date ranges than the fiscal year reports you automatically receive from CARLI.
- For the collection analyses, you can run them at any time to get a snapshot of your collection for dates other than July 1.
The Annual Statistics Package is but the tip of the iceberg in the world of I-Share statistics.
- As you develop skill with Alma Analytics, you can use Analytics to write analyses to meet your own reporting needs.
- You can also ask CARLI staff to write analyses to meet your needs.
- Shared Analysis are being written and documented. They are available on the Analytics and Reports page under the Shared Analytics Reports section.
- Please email the CARLI Office with comments and questions.
The files are in Excel format, and you can open them in Excel.
Please email the CARLI Office with any questions.
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2. Description of the Reports in the Annual Statistics Package
2a. Collection Analysis (PHysical Resources)
Note: The Collection Analysis statistics are a snapshot of your collection at the time the statistic was created.
From July 2017 to July 2020, Collection Stats 1-7 were generated using two approaches. The original approach, as described below, states the number of records in a library's database without consideration for suppression or status. The second approach states the number of records in a database that are unsuppressed, and visible to patrons in your public catalog. CARLI staff have decided to hold off on generating "second approach" reports at this time.
I-Share Collection Stat 1: Comprehensive Item Count by Format and Location
This report counts all items in your collection by bib type and level (the record type and bib level from the bib record fixed fields) and item permanent location. The bib format is translated where possible (e.g. am=Book ) For the item permanent location, both the location code and the location name are given.
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 1:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, library name, location name, bib format, number of items (in repository)
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 1 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 2: Count of Holdings Without Items
This report counts all MFHDS in your collection, where the MFHDs have no items attached, by bib format (the record type and bib level from the bib record fixed fields) and the MFHD location. The bib format is translated where possible (e.g. am=Book ). For the MFHD location, both the location code and the location name are given. This report might tip you off that there are item records missing from your catalog, or help you count records where you provide holdings details without items (e.g., serials, microforms). If you are interested in MFHDs created this year without items, see Collection Stat 4.
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 2:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, library name, location name, bib format, MFHD count.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 2 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 3: Fiscal Year Items Added by Format and Location
This report counts items that have been added to your collection during a specified period. The counts are broken down by permanent location and item policy. This might be useful for accreditation or collection development.
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 3:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, library name, location code, location name, bib format, number of items (in repository)
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 3 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 4: Fiscal Year: MFHDs without Items Added
This report counts MFHDs added to your collection this year, where the MFHD has no items attached, by bib format (the record type and bib level from the bib record fixed fields) and MFHD location. The bib format is translated where possible (e.g. am=Book ) For the MFHD location, both the location code and the location name are given. This report might tip you off that there are item records missing from your catalog. If you want counts of all such MFHDs, regardless of when they were created, see Collection Stat 2.
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 4:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, library name, location code, location name, bib format, and MFHD count.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 4 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 5: Comprehensive Item Count by Item Type
This report counts all items in your collection by item type and item permanent location. The item type is given as both the item type code and the item type display name. For the item permanent location, both the location code and the location name are given.
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 5:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, library name, location code, location name, item policy, number of items (in repository)
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 5 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 6: Comprehensive Bibliographic Record Count
This report counts bibs by bib format (the record type and bib level from the bib record fixed fields).
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 6:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, bib format, number of titles
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 6 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 7: Bibliographic Record Count by Language
This report counts bibs by language. The language code from the fixed fields (008/35-37) is used, not the codes from the 041 field. A list of the language codes is available at
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 7:
- This report may include bibliographic records for AFN loans.
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, language code, and number of titles (active).
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 7 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 8: Database Record Count
This report counts the total number of bibs, MFHDs, and items in your collection.
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 8:
- This report will also generate a single table for all libraries and it will be posted on the Annual Statistics page.
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: CARLI institution code, institution code, institution name, bibs count, holdings count, count of bibs with holdings but no items.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 8 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 9: Unique Titles Count
- This report provides data for the unique title counts for each library. It includes the Total Titles (Bib Records), the Total Bibs for Physical Inventory, Unique Physical Titles, Total Bibs for Electronic Inventory, and Unique Electronic Titles. This report generates a single table for all libraries and it is posted on the Annual Statistics page.
I-Share Collection Stat 10: Items Lost Missing or Withdrawn
This report counts the items that received a status of Lost-Library Applied, Missing or Withdrawn and still have that status.
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 10:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, base status, process type, barcode count
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 10 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Collection Stat 11: Unsuppressed Title Count by First Location
This report provides a title count, organized by format and location, of records the in your library’s database where neither the bib record nor the holding record are suppressed from discovery. Titles that are held in different locations will be counted once per location.
- Notes on I-Share Collection Stat 11:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, library name, location code, location name, bib format, resource type, number of titles (bib records).
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Coll Stat 11 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
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2b. COllection Analysis (Electronic Resources)
I-Share Electronic Stat 1: Active Portfolios by Collection
This snapshot report provides a title count, organized by electronic collection, of electronic portfolios that are active and available to your patrons. This report includes electronic resources that are active in the institution zone.
- Notes on I-Share Electronic Stat 1:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, electronic collection public name, electronic collection public name override, , number of portfolios (in repository).
- The report may include a row at the institution level that lists portfolios active with no electronic collection public name. This count should represent the number of standalone portfolios in your collection.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- Electronic Stat 1 was not provided in the July 2021 annual stats package.
- Alma Analytics Path (to run your own stats as needed)
- /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/I-Share Statistics Package: I-Share Electronic Stat 1 - Active Portfolios by Collection.
I-Share Electronic Stat 2: Electronic Collections Active in NZ
This snapshot report provides lists of the collections that are shared from the Network Zone to all members, and the counts of portfolios shared in each collection according to their electronic resource type. Electronic resource type is a custom field that maps resource types from bib data into more consistent sets with values: eBook, eJournal, Streaming Audio, Streaming Video, Other Electronic Resources.
- Notes on I-Share Electronic Stat 2:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Electronic collection public name, electronic resource type, number of portfolios (in repository).
- The report includes multiple tables, one for each electronic resource format, along with a final summary table covering all resource types. Institutions may use these tables to answer statistical surveys, adding these network-shared resources to the collections held by their institutions.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- Electronic Stat 2 was developed during FY2022.
- Alma Analytics Path (to run your own stats as needed)
- /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/I-Share Statistics Package: I-Share Electronic Stat 2 - Electronic collections active in NZ.
I-Share Electronic Stat 3: Unique E-Journal Title Count
This snapshot report provides a title count of electronic journals active in your institution. This is an Alma contract metric based on the portfolios active that have a portfolio material type of "Journal."
- Notes on I-Share Electronic Stat 3:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Data updated as of, institution code, count(distinct title author combined and normalized)
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- Electronic Stat 3 was developed during FY2022.
- Alma Analytics Path (to run your own stats as needed)
- /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/I-Share Statistics Package: I-Share Electronic Stat 3 - Unique E-Journal Title count.
2c. Circulation Activity
I-Share Circulation Stat 1: Circulation by Item Location at Time of Loan
This report counts items charged and renewed by item location as of when the transaction occurred during a specified period. For the item permanent location, both the location code and the location name are given. This report useful for identifying the busiest parts of your collection.
- Notes on I-Share Circulation Stat 1:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, library name, location name, loans, renewals.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Circ Stat 1 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Circulation Stat 2: Circulation by Circulation Desk
This report tallies all circulation transactions (Charges, Renewals, and Returns) by circulation desk.
- Notes on I-Share Circulation Stat 2:
- Data Analysis:
- The Renewals count only includes renewals that were acted on manually by circulation desk staff or by patrons at self-check stations.
- This report does not capture renewals placed by patrons in Primo VE; this report also does not capture auto-renewals or bulk changes to due dates.
- The Returns count includes any items discharged at your circulation desk, but does not include in-house use (browses).
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, library name, circ desk name, count type, count.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Circ Stat 2 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Circulation Stat 3: Circulation by User Group and Home Library
This report counts the charges and renewals done during a specified period, by patron group and patron’s home library. For your own patrons this is useful for circulation demographics.
- Notes on I-Share Circulation Stat 3:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, borrower institution, patron group, loans, and renewals.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Circ Stat 3 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Circulation Stat 4: Serial Title Circulation and In-House Use
This report counts charges and in house use of items attached to serials bibliographic records. The results provide the serial title, main entry, and ISSN along with the counts. This is useful for identifying the most and least used serial subscriptions.
- Notes on I-Share Circulation Stat 4:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, bibliographic resource type, title, ISSN, loans, and in-house use.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- circ_stat_4_xxx_startyymon_endyymon.rpt, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share Circulation Stat 5: Comprehensive Circulation by Circulation Desk
- This report is not currently able to be replicated. Details on fines and AFN routing activities will be developed in future reports.
I-Share Circulation Stat 6: Circulation by User Group and Item Policy and Location at Time of Loan
This report counts charges, broken out by user group, location, and item policy.
- Notes on I-Share Circulation Stat 6:
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: Institution code, institution name, patron group, item policy (current on item record), due date policy name at time of loan, in temp location at time of loan, library at time of loan, location at time of loan, loans
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- File name:
- I-Share Circ Stat 6 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
Circulation Stat 7: Charges by Circ Happening Location, Item Type and Item Location
- This report is not available in Alma.
Circulation Stat 8: Call Slip Fill Rate
- This report is still being investigated.
Note: There is no Circulation Stat 9
Circulation Stat 10: UB Loan Policies
- This report is not available with Alma.
Circulation Stat 11: Local Loan Policies
- This report is not available in Alma.
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2d. Automatic Fulfillment Network (AFN) Circulation: Where the Item and Patron are from Different Libraries
I-Share AFN Stat 1: Network Lending Counts
This report counts items loaned to borrowers from other I-Share libraries, covering both requesting and reciprocal borrowing. Results will be divided by the borrower's home library and the site where the loan transaction took place. This report includes loans of your own materials to your own patrons.
- Notes on I-Share AFN Stat 1:
- Institutions may run this report in their own Analytics instance.
- CARLI staff post the year’s data for all libraries into a single table which is posted on the Annual Consortial Stats page.
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: institution code, lending institution name, library name (item owning location), borrower institution name, loan site, and loans.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- Monthly versions of the file are uploaded to the FTP on the 2nd of the month.
- File name:
- I-Share AFN Stat 1 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share AFN Stat 2: Network Borrowing Counts
This report counts items borrowed by your library from other I-Share Libraries. This report does not include loans of your institution's items to your institution's patrons.
- Notes on I-Share AFN Stat 2:
- This report must be run by CARLI Staff to get all AFN level data.
- CARLI staff post the year’s data for all libraries into a single table which is posted on the Annual Consortial Stats page.
- Data Analysis: Fields in the report include: loans - linked from institution code, borrower institution name, lending institution name, and loans.
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- Monthly versions of the file are uploaded to the FTP on the 2nd of the month.
- File name:
- I-Share AFN Stat 2 xx startyymon - endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share AFN Stat 3: Titles Borrowed from Other I-Share Libraries
This report identifies the titles that were borrowed by your patrons from other I-Share libraries.
- Notes on I-Share AFN Stat 3:
- AFN Stat 3 cannot be run in your institution's Analytics because they require that data from all of the I-Share databases be combined.
- If run in an institution's Analytics instance, the report will only show the items loaned to other I-Share libraries.
- Data Analysis:
- Fields in the report include: borrower institution code, borrower institution name, title, resource type, material type, lending institution code, lending institution name, barcode, call number, enumeration, chronology, item policy, loan date, due date
- Frequency/Availability:
- Annual stats are uploaded to FTP on July 1 or the first day of your library’s fiscal year.
- Monthly versions of the file are uploaded to the FTP on the 2nd of the month.
- File name:
- I-Share AFN Stat 3 xxx startyymon-endyymon.xlsx, where:
- xxx is the 3-letter database code
- startyymon are the starting year and month
- endyymon are the ending year and month
I-Share AFN Stat 4: Count of Home User's Requests for I-Share Items
This annual report allows you to review counts of your local patron's requests for I-Share library materials. As of July 2024, this report will no longer be deposited as an Excel file in the CARLI ftp account belonging to your institution.
I-Share AFN Stat 5: Count of I-Share User Requests for Your Institution's Items
This annual report allows you to review counts of I-Share library patron's requests for your institution's materials. This report is not deposited as an Excel file in the CARLI ftp account belonging to your institution.
I-Share AFN Stat 6: All Requests
- Note: This report is still being investigated.
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3. Tips on Using These Reports to Fill out Surveys from External Agencies
- 3a. ILLINET Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing Survey, FY23
- Important Note: Your library may have additional ILL data (like OCLC data) to add to the I-Share statistics described below.
- Question 2.3: Details concerning materials requested through interlibrary loan: What was the total number of items requested by your library?
- Question 2.4: Items received via ILL: ...details about Returnables and Non-returnables requested [received] via Interlibrary Loan..., In-State, Returnables
- Answer: I-Share AFN Stat 4: Count of Home User's Requests for I-Share Items, see the column for "Filled Requests"
- Note: We currently do not have a query to account for materials where the lending library marked the request as "filled", but then never sent the item, or to account for if the item became lost/waylaid in the delivery process.
- Question 3.3: Details concerning requests received: What was the total number of interlibrary loan requests received by your library?
- Question 3.4: Items supplied via ILL: ...details about Returnables and Non-Returnables supplied via Interlibrary Loan..., In-State, Returnables
- Question 4.2: Reciprocal Borrowing: report the number of materials Loaned via reciprocal borrowing
- Answer: Reciprocal Borrowing to I-Share Patrons FY 2023
- Additionally, if your library provides access to community borrowers through reciprocal borrowing agreements, and those borrowers have a unique patron group at your library, include the count of charges from CIRC STAT 3 where the patron group name is your reciprocal borrowing patron group(s).
- 3b. IPEDS/ACRL FY23 Academic Libraries (IPEDS Current Survey Index, IPEDS Full Glossary, IPEDS Instructions)
- Expenses section: Contact CARLI Support if you would like assistance in interpreting Alma Acquisitions.
- Library Circulation (excluding Interlibrary Loan) can be answered by "Circulation Stat 2: Circulation by Happening Location."
- Physical Volume counts can be answered in part by CARLI "Collection Stat 1: Comprehensive Item Count by Bib Format," depending on how your physical and electronic materials have been cataloged.
- Physical Title counts can be answered in part by CARLI "Collection Stat 6: Comprehensive Bibliographic Record Count," which counts bibs by bib format.
- Digital/Electronic Books/Databases: "I-Share Electronic Stat 1: Active Portfolios by Collection" or "I-Share Electronic Stat 2: Electronic Collections Active in NZ"; also available CARLI-Owned eBooks Statistics.
- Interlibrary Services totals for "interlibrary loans provided" and "interlibrary loans received" may be answered in part with the I-Share statistics I-Share AFN Stat 4: Count of Home User's Requests for I-Share Items and I-Share AFN Stat 5: Count of I-Share User Requests for Your Institution's Items.
IPEDS, ACRL and ARL surveys use ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2013, Information Services and Use: Metrics & Statistics for Libraries and Information Providers – Data Dictionary : a joint glossary for library surveys.
CARLI does not compile the number of databases your library collection contains. Remember, however, to check your member library page for a listing of your purchased collections and the CARLI selection system for your licensed CARLI brokered e-resources.
If you need an additional copy of your last CARLI Annual Stats Package, or have any questions, contact us at CARLI Office.
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