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Alma Analytics Dashboards: Webinar presented by the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee, 4/30/2021

The CARLI Resource Sharing committee presents "CARLI Resource Sharing in our New Age: Tips and Tricks in the Time of Alma and COVID," a monthly discussion series. This webinar was presented on April 30, 2021.

The CARLI Resource Sharing Committee's April Discussion focused on using Alma Analytics reports and dashboards to generate meaningful data for your library and stakeholders. The session started with hearing from two different academic libraries and their approach to building and individualizing their dashboards to meet their data needs. Ashtin Trimble of Black Hawk College demonstrated the dashboard she's created to easily provide campus administration with current, relevant library data. Shelly McDavid, from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville demonstrated the dashboard she's created to quickly generate and compile monthly circulation data.

  • This session was not intended to teach the basics of how to use Alma Analytics. Instead, the focus of this session was on how to create a dashboard for reports you have already identified, as well as provide the chance to see the types of reports that other libraries are finding helpful for their stakeholders and staff.


Resources for Further Learning

Presenter-Shared Dashboards and Reports

The presenters from this session have uploaded their sample dashboards and reports to a shared folder in Alma Analytics.
To access, staff with the Analytics Administrator or Design Analytics Roles can:

  1. Open Alma Analytics
  2. In the Analytics Catalog, navigate within the Shared Folders> Community> Reports> Consortia> CARLI> Member Library Submissions> Dashboard Examples.
  3. Within the Dashboard Examples folder, you will find two subfolders from this session named: BHC Library Dashboard and Circulation Dashboard [This is SIE's].
    This screenshot shows the Catalog in Alma Analytics, where the path to the folders shared by the presenters is noted. That path is: Shared Folders, Community, Reports, Consortia, CARLI, Member Library Submissions, Dashboard Examples.
  4. You may then copy the dashboard.
    This screenshot shows the "BHC Library Dashboard" being copie using the options from the "More" drop-down menu.
  5. And then paste it into your own folder, or your library's Institutional Folder for editing and review.
    This image shows that the user has navigated to their own "My Folders" and has selected that folder. The "paste" button is highlighted in the top menu bar.