Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University, co-chair
William Schlaack, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, co-chair
Member Absent:
Becky Koch, Illinois State University
Staff Attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Board Member Attending:
Pattie Piotrowski, University of Illinois Springfield
Member Announcements:
Melina: University of Chicago is expanding study space and book pickup access in a pilot program, adding an extra two hours two days a week, with a possibility of adding several hours on weekends as well. This is in response to faculty and student demand for more flexibility. The pilot program will be held over finals week and spring break when crowds will be reduced, and carried over into the Spring quarter if successful.
Will described the UIUC locker book pickup system: patrons sign up for book pickup and are given the code to a locker so they can pick up their materials with no staff interaction.
Melina described the U of C processes. Study spaces: patrons sign up for a slot, 30 minutes to two hours, check in through security then go straight to their designated study spot. They can only leave the spot to use the restroom or a water fountain. They may sign up for one slot a day. Book pickup: patrons sign up for a slot to pick up their materials, and when they arrive at circulation a staff member places their materials on the counter for them to take. It’s not contactless, but staff interaction is minimal. Stacks browsing is not allowed.
CARLI Announcements:
The Professional Development Alliance (PDA) event “Meet Harriet Tubman” has been rescheduled to Wednesday 3/10/21:
Upcoming events available to review on the CARLI Calendar at
CARLI has a one year-project ebook with Wiley and Oxford. CARLI has received a grant from the Illinois State Library. Elizabeth only has usage data up to November so consulting the vendors is the best way to access usage statistics.
Committee Review:
Committee Chairs finalized the committee charter.
Institutional Quarantine Policies:
Northwestern does a four-day quarantine for items entering the building. Books are fanned out during quarantine.
At UIUC, quarantines are 5-7 days. They are not loaning Blu-Rays, DVDs, or books that can be digitized or accessed as e-books. As a result, there is not a lot of circulation.
Northern Illinois University and University of Chicago have a four-day quarantine for books entering the library. University of Chicago used to require a 24-hour quarantine for books passed between staff members in the library, but as of October that quarantine was eliminated as long as proper PPE (clean gloves and masks) are worn by onsite staff.
Tonia has consulted an industrial hygienist about best practices, since library policies vary widely between 24 hours and one full week quarantine times.
Annual Project: A Snapshot of Our Preservation / Conservation Response to COVID-19 at CARLI Member Libraries:
March interview is completed and just needs to be written up and submitted. It should be submitted before the deadline of March 26, 2021.
April interview is not set. Rob would like to interview Northwestern University Archives staff, and Tonia provided the names of the archivist and Public Services Librarian as contacts.
The webinar has been promoted in the February and March CARLI newsletters.
There are 15 registrants so far.
We were reminded to invite our student workers to participate.
Tonia will send a headshot for the registration page.
Checking Preservation Links:
Recommended additional links can be put on the website.
Ideas for other additional links can be submitted and discussed next meeting.
Tasks Assigned
The co-chairs will review last year’s annual report to prepare for this year’s report due 5/28, and to be completed the week before. The committee will discuss the report during the April meeting.
Committee members should submit links for inclusion on the CARLI Preservation Resources website. New submissions will be discussed during the April meeting.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Conference Calls:
April 12, 2021: 10:30-12:00
May 10, 2020: 10:30-12:00
June 14, 2020: 10:30-12:00
Upcoming Program:
Incoming Library Collections: A Unified Approach to Newly Acquired Material, April 20, 2021 from 10:00-11:00 a.m.