Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Becky Koch, Illinois State University
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University, co-chair
William Schlaack, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, co-chair
Staff Attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Board Member Attending:
Pattie Piotrowski, University of Illinois Springfield
There were no member announcements.
CARLI Announcements:
There are a number of professional development opportunities coming up for CARLI members offered through the Professional Development Alliance (PDA) with registration available via the CARLI calendar:
"Redefining Self-Care in the Midst of a Global Pandemic," a two-part series held on January 12th and January 19th.
"Project Management in Libraries," a six-part series presented by Minitex between January 15th and March 26th.
"Podcasting for Libraries," to be held January 20th.
"Meet Harriet Tubman," to be held February 16th.
Preservation Committee Charge: Members decided to keep the Charge as is. The final version is due for Board review March 1, 2021.
Annual Project Updates: Susan is interviewing people from her Institution for her February interview. Mary is contacting potential interviewees at her library in the coming week for her March interview. Rob is determining who he could interview to best support the project. Will thought our plans for the interviews represent a diversity of institutions and the roles staff have played during the pandemic.
Webinar on large gift donations: Members were asked to review Tonia's draft for the webinar and provide feedback by February 1st. Also, members needed to share any documentation that can be used in the webinar and referenced in a handout. A date has not been set at this point but the Committee is aiming for late April or early May. Since the PDA sessions are held on Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 10am, those days are ones to consider. Members were asked to brainstorm a catchy title for the webinar. Everyone was very appreciative of the work Tonia is doing for the webinar.
Checking Links on the CARLI Preservation Resources website: Members shared the work they had done so far. There are some new resources that could enhance the resources webpage. It was suggested the Committee set aside a block of time to discuss possible additions to the webpage.
Future Outreach Ideas: this topic was tabled after some discussion because there is so little known about what might be happing in the upcoming year in response to the pandemic. Will asked everyone to share any potential ideas. Having a virtual tour or focusing on a webinar about creating virtual tours was suggested. Virtual tours may make it possible to highlight institutions that logistics would prevent us from visiting in person. The Committee will resume discussions at the February meeting.
For future meetings, co-chairs will include a link in the agenda to the draft meeting minutes.
The Committee decided to keep the current language of the committee’s charge.
A block of time will be set aside at the March meeting to discuss additions and revisions to the Preservation Resources webpage.
Tasks Assigned
All committee members should review Tonia's presentation draft and offer feedback by February 1st. Come up with suggestions for a title for the webinar. Share documentation used in the webinar with Tonia so it can be referenced in a handout.
CARLI Preservation Resources webpage:
Committee members review the Preservation Resources links and add changes to the document in Box by March 1 for committee discussion in March.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Conference Calls: