Conference Call / Zoom
Members attending: Caitlin Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University), Jessica Bastian (Illinois Central College), Krista Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Cynthia Kremer (Joliet Junior College), Nestor Osorio, co-chair (Northern Illinois University), Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage
Board Liaisons: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Rob Morrison (National-Louis University)
- Minutes approved with minor edits
- Committee will host an information discussion for the membership on the changes to public services due to the pandemic. This will take place on Thursday, January 21, 2021.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Stevens
- Archer-Helke, Kahl, and Wolfgang will plan and facilitate discussion for semi-informal Zoom event for CARLI membership that focuses on Public Services during pandemic. “The Pandemic Made Me Do It: Changing Public Services” will be 11am January 21, 2021. Stevens will note trends and innovations at the meeting.
- Clarage will share discussion “ground rules” slide developed by Collection Management Committee and will send a draft registration form/publicity blurb to this committee this week.
- Member Announcements:
- Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University) — Institution is currently in finals week. Spring semester is likely to be largely like fall semester: start a week late, no spring break. There will be a search for an interim provost and then later for a permanent provost.
- Kahl (Illinois State University) — The plan is for library building to reopen in January around start of classes. President announced his retirement recently, so ISU will be launching a search for a new president soon.
- Harwig (College of DuPage) —Institution is planning for spring classes to begin January 25. Assistant Provost of Instruction leaving to be President of John A Logan College in January.
- Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University) — Nothing new in the library, but new President starting in January.
- Wolfgang (Saint John’s College of Nursing) — The Fall semester has ended. Classes will be virtual in the spring with the hope to offer clinicals for nursing students in person.
- Bastian (Illinois Central College) — Classes will be virtual in the spring. Institution has started talking about fall 2021 plans.
- Osorio (Northern Illinois University) — NIU has the same as Illinois Central College: virtual this spring, fall under discussion.
- Stevens (Lake Forest College) — Nothing new to report.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Board meeting was held on December 4. Board thanks the CARLI committees for their work in preparing drafts, now looking to next steps and recommendations to consider overlap, what is new, and what will continue. All CARLI committees will hear back. We were not the only committee that recommended a discovery group of some kind.
- Extension of due dates will be offered again to members, but announcement not out yet; members will be able to make that decision.
- CARLI liaisons will be sending out continuing education programming to the committee.
- The CARLI Office will be closed starting December 24 and will be open again January 4. Any service emergencies should be communicated to CARLI by phone at 217-244-7593.
- Co-Chairs finalized draft to CARLI Board on Re-envisioning CARLI Committee for its meeting on December 4. There will be guidance from the Board and this will inform final iteration of report, due in March. Past annual project now linked (thanks, Chad). Next steps: CARLI committee chairs would like to meet more often for better collaboration across groups; next meeting will be January.
- Discussed Committee’s annual project and decided on an informal but guided Zoom discussion revolving around changing public services during the pandemic. Event will not be recorded, but outcomes/suggestions will be shared and reported out.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
The Public Services Committee will meet next on January 25, 2021 from Noon – 1pm.
- 2020-2021 CARLI Annual Project:
- Final Plan Presented for Approval, March 2021 CARLI Board Meeting: March 1, 2021