Zoom / Conference Call
Members Present: Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Greer Martin, Co-Chair (Loyola University Chicago), Matthew Short (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon, Co-Chair (Illinois State University)
Member Absent: Hunt Dunlap (Western Illinois University)
CARLI Staff Present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso
- Tricia confirmed as minutes taker.
- Minutes approved from September 22, 2020 meeting.
CARLI Committee Chairs Meeting
- Greer and Angela attended the CARLI Committee Chairs meeting.
- A discovery focused committee was recommended at the meeting.
- Committee report timeline:
- Angela and Greer will have a daft by November 20 (possibly earlier).
- Committee members comments and edits will be due by November 30.
- Report draft is due December 1.
- Final report is due March 1.
- Decisions will be made in March.
- It was recommended that committee chairs meet regularly.
Re-envisioning CARLI Committees: Created Content Committee Report
- Report should be no longer than 3 pages.
- Report should include what the committee should be doing and what direction it should be moving long-term.
- The group agrees the charge seems broad enough that it can remain relevant.
- Metadata, digital asset management, digital preservation (current focuses of the committee), as well as public engagement, user experience, and curriculum development (possible future focuses) all seem to be within the scope of the committee’s charge.
FY21 Project(s)
- Marlee suggests a strategic plan for the committee to direct the development of future projects, the group agrees this would be a good project, possibly more long-term/ongoing into next year.
- This project could coincide with CARLI’s strategic plan,
- Efforts should be made not to make this project too internal, and to consider how the committee can also remain helpful to CARLI members in completing the strategic plan.
- Possibly through assessment of needs, either overall or specifically for this year / Pandemic specific,
- The new recurring committee chairs meeting could be helpful.
- Documentation for working with Primo Discovery Import Profiles, as previously discussed by the group, was proposed as a second project.
- The pending OpenRefine workshop will be scheduled some time in February. Amy, Tricia and Greer will coordinate to get this scheduled.
- Angela will follow up on project sub-groups.
- CARLI Annual meeting will be held on Friday, November 13.
- December meeting will be rescheduled for Tuesday, December 15 @ 9:00am.
Next Meeting
The next committee virtual meeting will occur on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 9:00am-10:00am.