Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University, co-chair
Rob DeLand, VanderCook College of Music
Nora Gabor, DePaul University
Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
Becky Koch, Illinois State University
Ann Lindsey, University of Chicago, co-chair
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
William Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Members absent:
Susan Howell, Southern University Carbondale
Staff attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Member Announcements:
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign moved their Preservation Week programming online and have created a centralized information on their Preservation Week activities at:
Anne will have an intern for the summer.
Call for committee chair for Preservation Committee, Anne will cycle off and recommends a colleague as a new member.
Will and Meghan offered to co-chair the committee next year.
CARLI Announcements:
CARLI will extend committee annual report and project reports until August. It’s up to the committee if they want to submit their reports at the end of May or in August.
Alma update: We have met the technical freeze! Alma instances are still available for training purposes, or use the sandboxes, Data extracts have been happening and are available on the CARLI website/ Alma Primo webpage
Will proposed the idea of creating a COVID-19 resource page. As information is changing so quickly, the committee decided to wait until there is more definitive information.
Nicole: For Social Media resource list, what to do about inactive links. The committee decided depending on the account the cutoff should be two or three-year for no new posts.
Assessment Planning—Susan (completed)
Audio-visual Preservation—Mary (completed)
Book Repair and Conservation— Susan (completed)
Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation—William (completed)
Disaster Planning and Response—William (completed)
Exhibits—Becky (completed)
General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites—Ann/Rob (Ann has begun.)
Glossaries—Nora (completed)
Grants and Development—Meghan
Legal Issues—Tonia (completed)
Library Binding—Rob (completed)
Mold, Pests, and the Environment—Becky
Protective Enclosures and Storage —Meghan
Special Collections and Archives—Mary (completed)
Social Media—Nicole
Supply Vendors—Elizabeth (completed)
Training—Ann (completed)
The page the committee discussed last month about COVID-19 and handling materials can be found on the on CARLI COVID-19 resource page under the Collection Management section.
Mary submitted questions to Matt, but might have to delay, as he is working on the Alma migration.
Mary and Anne will submit executive summaries when all the articles are complete.
Anne did not hear back from potential interviewee.
Future Workshops
Table discussion for the new committee.
A possible future project may be to review how institutions are using Alma for preservation including the possibility of using work orders to indicate what is happening with an item.
March and April minutes approved.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 am.
Tasks Assigned
Meghan to take minutes.
Nicole will review the Social Media section of the webliography and incorporate input from today’s committee discussion.