Ex Libris provides a number of reports as part of the migration from Voyager to Alma, and CARLI gives each library reports generated when data is extracted from Voyager. This page describes what you will find in these reports and how you might use them to verify your production/cutover load into Alma.
These files can be found in your library's XXX Production Load Box folder unless otherwise noted.
A note on file names: The general file naming convention for this spreadsheet is "01CARLI_XXX_Cutover_Migration_Stats.xlsm" (where "XXX" is your institution's three-letter code), though the file name for your institution's own spreadsheet may vary from that.
For the Fulfillment Data Load you will receive a sheet called "01_CARLI_XXX_Fulfillment_Cutover_Migration_Stats.xlsm" (where "XXX" is your institution's three-letter code). This spreadsheet will contain all of the tabs the 01CARLI_XXX_Cutover_Migration_Stats.xslm sheet contained. Only the tabs related to Fulfillment will be updated (patron, loan, request).
This file contains your migration statistical counts from Ex Libris, divided by functional area in the spreadsheet tabs.
On each tab, after the Counts of records section, any records that did not migrate to Alma will be listed, along with the reason for rejection. The Code/ID is provided for records that were rejected during the migration process, along with a brief description of the reason for rejection. The Code/ID provided are for the record as found in Voyager since the rejected records were not migrated to Alma.
The File may contain the following tabs, depending on the types of data that your institution migrated: bib_inventory, vendor, fund, fund_tx, p_order, invoice, patron, loan, request, course, p2e.
Where to check these counts in Alma:
migrated bibs |
Basic Search : All Titles > Keywords - Contains Keywords - * |
migrated items |
Basic Search: Physical Items > Title - Keywords - Contains Keywords - * |
number of Portfolios from Link Resolver |
Advanced Search: Electronic Portfolio: Is Standalone > Equals > No |
number of Portfolios from ILS (Voyager P2E) |
Advanced Search: Electronic Portfolio: Is Standalone > Equals > Yes |
number of Packages/DBs from Link Resolver |
Advanced Search: Electronic Collection: Is Local (Electronic Collection) > Equals > No |
number of Packages/DBs from ILS (Voyager P2E) |
Advanced Search: Electronic Collection: Is Local (Electronic Collection) > Equals > Yes |
Note: For Images of these click paths and other searches in Alma see Alma Data Migration Review - Alma Searches
Where to find patron counts in Alma: Admin > User Management > Manage Users - Account dropdown arrow allows you to limit to external or internal users instead of all.
Where to find the number of loans in Alma: Basic Search: Physical Items > Keywords - wildcard character * - Process Type facet (on left) - add together the loan and lost counts.
Note: this tab is related to call slip (local) requests only. This tab will not be present if your institution does not do local call slip.
Where to find requests in Alma: NOTE: Request Operator Role is required (scoped to each circulation desk where you want to check the Active Hold Shelf).
Where to find the number of courses in Alma: Fulfillment > Course Reserves > Courses
This information reflects the results of processing the P2E file you submitted pre-migration. Since related counts were already checked under bib_inventory, use this tab specifically to check for rejected records from the P2E processing.
A note on file names: The general file naming convention for this report is "01CARLI_XXX_multi_match.txt" though the file name for your institution's own report may vary from that.
This report lists records that are included the "Number of records failed to link" to the Network Zone (NZ) Statistics. If a record in your database matches more than one record in the NZ, the linking will fail. This most often happens because of multiple OCLC numbers in the local bib (including multiple 035$a as well as 035$a plus an 035$z).
The report has at least 2 columns: the first column is the local IZ Alma Metadata Management System (MMS) record ID, and the additional columns are the NZ Alma MMS record ID numbers that it matched with.
This file is purely informational and I-Share libraries are not expected to do anything with this information at this point.
A note on file names: ProQuest 360 Link Resolver Activation Report: The general file naming convention for this report starts with "01CARLI_XXX_Link_Resolver" (where "XXX" is your institution's three-letter code) and is a Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx). The file name for your institution's own report may vary from that. It may begin or end with a string of numbers, or may include "360LR" or "Activation" in the file name.
Not every library will receive this report.
If your library migrated from ProQuest 360 products, you will receive this report containing four tabs:
More information:
October 3, 2019: Reviewing P2E and Link Resolver Data
Ex Libris 360 and Intota Migration Guide
If your library has purchased e-resources through ProQuest but not all e-resources to which you subscribe were included in your Link Resolver data, you will also find a ProQuest Enrichment report listing those collections which Ex Libris has activated on your behalf called 01CARLI_XXX_PQ_Activations.xlsx (or .csv). Not every library will receive this report.
A note on file names: The general file naming convention for this file is "01CARLI_XXX_NZ_stats.txt" (where "XXX" is your institution's three-letter code), though the file name for your institution's own spreadsheet may vary slightly from that. For the Production/Cutover load, this information is now in its own file in Box (whereas during the Test Load Delivery, this information was provided as part of your Test Load Delivery Letter in Box).
Each institution's data was loaded to their Alma Institution Zone first and then linked to the I-Share Network Zone. The data for the I-Share Network Zone was created from a union catalog built by CARLI in spring 2020. CARLI built this catalog specifically for the Network Zone with a focus on records with OCLC numbers in order to reduce the number of IZ records that did not link to the NZ or were found to be a multi-match (as we saw during the Test Load).
Example Report:
Network Zone Statistics: Your Alma environment has been linked to the CARLI I-Share Network Zone.
Records that failed to link are bib records that were loaded to your Institution Zone (IZ) successfully, but they were unable to be linked to a matching record in the Network Zone (NZ). CARLI knows of at least six reasons why records might have failed to link:
On each institution's migration stats report there is a reference on the Overview Tab to the IDMappings.zip file: "To see a list of all identifiers from the previous ILS mapped to the new Alma identifier, see the the ID mapping zip file. The ID mapping zip file contains all identifiers, and is generally not used to check migration. However, it may be useful in the future, for example if you have lists of records with your previous system's identifier and wish to perform cleanup based on these lists."
CARLI will share these ID Mapping zip files with libraries as needed.
CARLI has provided the raw reports that were generated when your library's data were extracted from Voyager for the Production/Cutover Load. The Voyager extract reports are in a separate folder called "xxx voyager extract," where "xxx" is your institution's three-letter code.
This is the main file with several tabs providing counts of the number of different types of records extracted from Voyager. Possible tabs include: vendor*, patron, fund*, inventory, boundwith, p_order*, loan, invoice*, request, course, fund_tx*, ereport. (*Only libraries that migrated Voyager Acquisitions data will have these tabs.) Of particular interest are these two tabs:
Various other extract files are also provided in this folder, many of them detailing rejected records and the reason for their rejection.
location_rejected.csv :a report of the locations that were collapsed/combined on the Alma Migration Form. This report identifies all instances of locations that were collapsed/combined after the first one found as "duplicate". Best practice is to to check that the Voyager locations that you wanted to have consolidated actually collapsed as you expected in Alma.
To test that the collapsing of locations worked as expected, you may identify some records in Voyager that are part of the original locations, and check in Alma to see if they have migrated into the collapsed location, OR, search in Alma for items in the location specified on the report, then look in Voyager to see which locations they came from.
In Alma, you can find all things in a given location by doing an Advanced Search for: Physical Titles > Physical item: Current Location > Equals > Select Library > Select Location from List : search results will show all Physical items in that location.
Depending on what you mapped to the location in question, it may be that NO items are found. Many libraries were combining a lot of old locations to one obsolete location to be able to eliminate it after go-live in Alma.
Reports were automatically generated even if they were empty for your institution, so if you have a file that is just a few bytes in size or zero bytes and looks empty when you open it, this means that your extracted data did not contain any of these kind of records and those files can be ignored. For example, if the file invoice_line_item_funds_duplicates.csv is empty, no invoice line item fund duplicates were detected in your institution's extract.
If you have any questions about the contents of the Voyager extract reports, please contact CARLI.