Conference Call
Members attending: Sara Benson, co-chair (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Sue Shultz (DePaul University), Janet Swatscheno, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Linda Zellmer (Western Illinois University)
Members absent: Annette Alvarado (Loyola University Chicago), Anne Chernaik (College of Lake County), Kathy Ladell (Northern Illinois University), Elizabeth Nelson (McHenry County College)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Lorna Engels
Tasks Assigned
- Sue Shultz will take minutes.
- Elizabeth will contact the program planning group for the ILCCO/NILRC April OER Program for more information.
- Anne Shelley will look and and provide feedback to Elizabeth on the text of the Statewide OER Survey.
- October 2019 minutes approved.
- Anne Chernaik stepped down as co-chair.
- The Task Force’s new co-chair is Sara Benson.
- Member Announcements:
- Sara Benson: Jasmine Roberts from Ohio State coming to UIUC to discuss OER, hopefully March 3rd because that is during Open Education Week. This is open to the campus and the public.
- Janet Swatscheno: Meeting with the Dean of the Library and another individual to discuss the possibility of bringing Cable Green (Interim CEO of Create Commons) to campus to give a presentation. One of the faculty members on campus is good friends with him. The date has not been determined.
- CARLI Announcements:
- The proposal the task force sent to the ILA Public Policy Committee received many verbal compliments from different people in different settings. The ILA Public Policy Committee unanimously voted to recommend to the ILA Board that our proposal for a grant program within the Secretary of State office be included in the association’s legislative agenda.
- This may or may not lead to legislation.
- OER Stakeholders Meeting: This group including the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), Network of Illinois Learning Resources in Community Colleges (NILRC), CARLI, and others meet intermittently.
- During the last meeting, it was discussed that ILCCO and NILRC are hosting an OER symposium on April 17 at Lincoln Land Community College. It will be similar to the OER Summit held at COD last year.
- Would our task force like to present any content at the meeting? This is something for the task force to consider.
- Two types of registration: 1) Community college; 2) later to non-community-college
- Abbey Elder from Iowa State will be their keynote.
- What types of break-outs? getting started; copyright; finding oer; teaching with oer; creating oer.
- Question to Frances Whaley, part of the program planning group – is she interested in having OERTF members speaking to one of the topics already on the agenda, or would this be a new topic. Elizabeth will ask and report back. We are comfortable with speaking on all topics noted except teaching with OER.
- Janet and Sue can attend: Anne S. will help prepare. Janet will send out a note to the group to gauge interest.
- The group is planning an OER statewide survey. It will be sent to someone high up in the institution and come from both the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Community College Board. Going to someone in the administration of the institution. Where will the results of the survey be shared?
- Put together volunteer panel of communication faculty. Looking for librarian support. Pilot to help organize future efforts.
- The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) aligns with community college to make sure courses transfers into 4-year.
- Still talking about an Illinois repository initiative.
- Melissa (IBHE) talked about Perkins funding to OER development.
- New Perkins V law opens the door to use Perkins funds to eliminate barriers. The new law now allows the inclusion of OERs in the use of these funds. Needs assessment due in late spring to be the framework for the next several years.
- Libraries are encouraged to find the person on campus who does Perkins and make sure they are aware that OER can be part of their efforts. Mostly affects the community colleges in our membership – career and technical education. Each college has a Perkins administrator.
In-Person Meeting: Scheduled for next Tuesday, 11/26.
- Who is available on 11/26: Sara, Janet, Linda, Anne C., Anne S.; Kathy, Sue, and Elizabeth N. are not available. The group decided to meet as it will be difficult to find a date with better attendance.
- Janet will send out a note to the list confirming we will have the meeting next Tuesday.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 26 in-person at the CARLI Office in Champaign from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.