Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University, co-chair
Nora Gabor, DePaul University
Susan Howell, Sourthern Illinois University Carbondale
Becky Koch, Illinois State University
Ann Lindsey, University of Chicago, co-chair
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
Members Absent:
Rob DeLand, VanderCook College of Music
Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
William Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Staff Attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
CARLI Announcements:
Elizabeth Clarage:
CARLI Counts, IMLS funded grant has been extended for another year, applications are due Dec 4th (
CARLI has access to Zoom to hold meetings, generally better usability and audio - decided we want to try this for next time
She will send out link to committee before next meeting.
Nicole Swanson:
New Staff members:
Emily Wros, part time grad assistant working with Almo/Primo upgrade
Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Senior Coordinator for Electronic Resources
Checks on Primo VE being completed. More information will be shared soon.
Staff completing data checks on Alma, updates are expected this Wednesday.
Registration is open for fall in person Alma training.
October 31, Joliet Junior College
November 11, Wheaton College
December 19, UIC
Spring dates for Alma training upcoming
Ex Libris online training for CARLI members is upcoming.
CARLI members and staff attended the Great Lakes User Group Conference.
Mary interviewed Ann for the month of October about Surveys and Assessments.
We have 3 open slots left.
We have two interviewees scheduled for November, propose to move one of those to January.
Ann will interview Lesa Dowd at the Newberry about Staff Training (February).
Nora will approach Jenny Dunbar from the College of DuPage to get her view of managing a community college archive (April or May).
Proposed article about Preservation Week to be published in March - looking for participant.
Megan has volunteered to do the Project Summary (June).
Summary page for CARLI Annual Meeting
Mary wrote up and submitted a project document.
We’re not doing an in person presentation because all the presentations are focusing on ALMA transitions.
Thank you, Mary!
Future Workshops, Webinars & Open Houses
Ann talked to the Chicago History Museum and the Newberry Library, both are willing to participate.
Institutions will need 8 weeks’ notice
Chicago History Museum is willing to participate but currently doesn’t have a conservator. Their talk will be about general conservation practices, storage, and how to maintain a collection while they’re low on staff.
Ideally, participants will park at the Chicago History Museum, take a bus to the Newberry, go for a tour and have lunch at the Newberry, then take a bus to the Chicago History museum and go for the second tour. Ann will check with the Newberry to make sure they have space for lunch and are open for a morning tour.
Committee members Ann, Megan and Nora have volunteered to help participants navigate Chicago Public Transit
Dates: March 27th or April 3rd (Fridays)
Second choice: another weekday within those dates
Third choice: date in late April
Ann will check with CHS and Newberry
The committee tabled this topic until the next meeting to discuss with Tonia.
Becky Koch was confirmed to take minutes.
The committee will meet using Zoom next month.
The meeting adjourned at 11:03.
Tasks Assigned
Nora will approach Jenny Dunbar at DuPage about an interview.
Everyone will think about who could be interviewed about Preservation Week.
The committee decide what November topic will be moved to January.
Ann will propose tour dates to CHS and Newberry.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Conference Calls: