Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University, co-chair
Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
Nora Gabor, DePaul University
Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Emma Lincoln, Augustana College
Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
William Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Member absent:
Ann Lindsey, University of Chicago, co-chair
Staff attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Committee Members
Bonnie is not able to attend May meeting, she asked if another committee member would be willing to take minutes in her place. Emma will switch (Bonnie will do June).
ALPLM has “In this Great Struggle the Greatest Generation Remembers” exhibit highlighting oral histories of WWII from June 6th through the end of the year.
Updates regarding Voyager to Alma migration.
CARLI JSTOR Open Access eBooks now appear in I-Share and the local VuFind catalogs of 48 members.
CARLI Open Educational Resources Task Force is holding an OER Workshop on April 29th at Loyola University Chicago.
Discussion of consideration to move next meeting date due to AIC conference dates. The committee decided to hold the meeting as scheduled.
Preservation Resources Webliography
Assessment Planning—Susan (Completed)
Audio-visual Preservation—Mary (Completed)
Book Repair and Conservation—Susan (Completed)
Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation—William (In-progress)
Disaster Planning and Response—William (In-progress)
Exhibits—Bonnie (In progress)
General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites—Ann/Bonnie (Completed)
Glossaries—Nora (Completed)
Grants and Development—Meghan (Completed)
Legal Issues—Tonia (Completed)
Library Binding—Emma (Completed)
Mold, Pests, and the Environment—Ann (Completed)
Protective Enclosures and Storage —Meghan (Completed)
Special Collections and Archives—Mary (Completed)
Social Media—Nicole (In-progress)
Supply Vendors—Elizabeth (Completed)
Training—Ann (Completed)
CARLI liaisons will check with their Webmaster about gaining access to links from the old website.
Mary and Meghan are working on a scrapbooks blog to turn in by April 15. Bonnie will work on her article on statues for April.
May’s topic is film with Ann and William writing an article on this topic.
June is the project summary.
Protective Enclosure Workshop Update
University Products is sponsoring the workshop. The company was extremely generous and provided more items than requested, the committee discussed what to do with excess materials: retain for a future workshop or give to attendees. Given that there are no immediate plans for a second workshop and the likelihood that the materials would be forgotten or used, it would be best to give excess to attendees. Tonia is working on her presentation this week focusing on commercially available housing options.
Registration is currently at 21. The registration limit is 30. Registration closes April 23.
Subway providing the catering & morning beverages.
Resend Google document list of materials to be provided by committee members. Additional bone folders, rulers, scalpels, cutting mats [up to 30 if possible], glue/brushes still need to be provided.
Preservation Open House
Reminder: Springfield sites: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum (Conservation Lab) and Illinois State Military Museum (Textile Lab), Friday, June 7. Tour of the ALPLM by Bonnie, morning, 10:00-12:00; Lunch at ALPLM 12:00-1:00Tour of the Military Museum 1:30-3:30 by Bill Lear.
Arrangements essentially finalized. Bonnie went over a brief agenda.
Bonnie has reserved the one handicapped parking space reserved at ALPL if needed.
Expectation is that everyone will drive from the ALPLM area to the Illinois State Military Museum which has free parking. Bill Lear is arranging a bus to take all people to the conservation lab, as there isn’t much parking onsite.
Advanced Repair Workshop
Nothing to report – subcommittee has not convened yet.
The call for new committee members has been sent. Bonnie mentioned ISU as a possible new institution to reach out to serve on this committee.
Annual Report & Annual Project
Elizabeth stated the report is typically compiled by the chairs of the committee. Chairs do a draft and share with the committee for review prior to submission to the CARLI board. Due at the end of May.
The Annual Project is also submitted at the end of May. Committee should have a good summary to present to the CARLI Board. Need to ensure it is inclusive enough provide a comprehensive overview.
Tasks Assigned
Will Schlaack took minutes.
Updated minutes of the March 11, 2019 meeting were approved with the following edits:
Add William to minutes as attending member.
Strike Emma from leftover meeting minutes (not in attendance).
Bonnie noted for the June Open House, “Conservation Lab” should be added to the Illinois State Military Museum.
The Conference ID should be 8962938.
The agenda was approved.
Emma will take minutes in May. Bonnie will take minutes in June.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 (carried by Nora and Emma)
May 8, 2019: Preservation Workshop: Choosing and Constructing Protective Enclosures for Library Materials, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, 8:30 – 3:30
June 7, 2019: Preservation Open Houses: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum & Illinois State Military Museum