Conference Call
Members attending:
- Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University, co-chair
- Nora Gabor, DePaul University
- Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
- Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
- Ann Lindsey, University of Chicago, co-chair
- Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
- Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
- William Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Member absent:
- Emma Lincoln, Augustana College
Staff attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- Members
- The University of Chicago Library closed applications for the Somit Intership, there should be a decision in 2 – 3 weeks.
- Bonnie Parr put forth a request for interns for the summer, posted on their website. It is a nonpaying conservation internship.
- CARLI is moving to the Vanguard implementation phase of Alma. Five libraries were chosen for the initial trial: The Newberry Library, North Central College, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After working through the Vanguard trial, all 91 libraries will implement the new system in summer 2020.
- Improvements to the display of holdings data in particular have been implemented in New VuFind. View the change log for more details:
- CONTENTdm migration from CARLI hosted to OCLC hosted will be completed by April 10th. There is a CARLI CONTENTdm Migration to OCLC Hosting webpage with further details about the migration. It discusses required tasks before and after the migration and what library staff should expect.
- Preservation Resources Webliography:
- Assessment Planning—Susan (Completed)
- Audio-visual Preservation—Mary (Completed)
- Book Repair and Conservation—Susan (Completed)
- Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation—William (In-progress)
- Disaster Planning and Response—William (In-progress)
- Exhibits—Bonnie (In progress)
- General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites—Ann/Bonnie (Completed)
- Glossaries—Nora (Completed)
- Grants and Development—Meghan (Completed)
- Legal Issues—Tonia (Completed)
- Library Binding—Emma (Completed)
- Mold, Pests, and the Environment—Ann (Completed)
- Protective Enclosures and Storage —Meghan (Completed)
- Special Collections and Archives—Mary (Completed)
- Social Media—Nicole (In-progress)
- Supply Vendors—Elizabeth (Completed)
- Training—Ann (Completed)
- Annual project:
- Mary noted that the posts regarding the Annual Project were very informative.
- March newsletter submissions due on the 15th. Meghan will submit her article on photos, Emma will submit her article on glass plates, and Ann will submit an article about Preservation week. Bonnie’s article was moved to April.
- Enclosure workshop 2019 updates:
- Registration is open.
- CARLI has reached out to Sabrina at ALPL to determine catering.
- CARLI will send out a message to vendors asking for sponsorship shortly. CARLI is expecting a response on sponsorship by April 1.
- Ann reported that the University of Chicago can help with supplies if needed.
- Emma will check with her institution on donating supplies for the workshop if needed.
- Printing needs can be submitted to Nicole. Tonia, Susan and Bonnie indicated they wish to print their own materials. Nicole will bring folders, printed agenda, pens, nametags, and we can stuff folders that morning.
- Tonia will need a large table for demo purposes and for materials she brings. She is planning to have her PowerPoint and laptop. ALPL has a projector, podium, and mic.
- The Google document has a list of supplies.
- Preservation Open House—status update:
- Thanks to Bonnie for arranging the site visits. Two Springfield locations have been chosen: Illinois State Military Museum & Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum, Friday, June 7, 2019.
- Agenda:
- 10:00-12:00: Tour of the ALPLM Conservation Lab
- 12:00-1:00: Lunch at ALPLM
- 1:00-1:30 travel to
- 1:30-3:30: Tour of the Illinois State Military Museum Conservation Lab -Textiles
- Bonnie wanted to clarify that the tour at the APLM will be the conservation lab and not the museum. The Military Museum will be in the textile labs.
- CARLI will add Bonnie’s save the date notice in the March Newsletter and registration can open in early May.
- Committee members will get a chance to register a few days early.
- Committee members will need to register so that lunches and seating plans can be accurately done.
- Printing needs, agendas or any other material can be submitted to Nicole. Bonnie indicated there probably will be no printing needed.
- Advanced Repair Workshop 2020
- New business
- Call for new committee members. Three members are rotating off. Limit to one committee member per institution per committee.
Tasks Assigned
- Ann Lindsey took minutes.
- Protective Enclosure Workshop:
- Presenters in the workshop and the open house will let Nicole know if they need anything printed beforehand.
- All committee members will look at the supply list and indicate if they are able to bring items to share that day. These supplies will be returned to them.
- Minutes of the February 11, 2019 meeting were approved.
- The meeting was adjourned at 10:39am.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Meetings:
- April 8, 2019: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
- May 13. 2019: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
- June 10, 2019: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Connection Information:
+1 (888) 983-3631 (toll-free)
+1 (217) 332-6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 (312) 994-8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 8962938
- May 8, 2019: Preservation Workshop: Choosing and Constructing Protective Enclosures for Library Materials, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, 8:30 – 3:30
- June 7, 2019: Preservation Open Houses: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Conservation Lab & Illinois State Military Museum Conservation Lab