August 15, 2018--conference call
Members attending: Belinda Cheek (North Central College), Eric Edwards (Illinois State Library), Kari Garman (Bradley University), Rand Hartsell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University), Marcella Nowak (College of DuPage), Ashtin Trimble (Black Hawk College)
Members absent: Thomas Mantzakides (Morton College), Nathan Thebarge (Trinity International University)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell
Staff absent: Lorna Engels
- Debbie introduced Ashtin as a new Committee member.
- CARLI will hold another session of the “Fundamentals of Voyager Access Reporting” training, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday, October 5, at the CARLI Office.
- There will be an upcoming change to the “Request First Available” functionality in Voyager.
- CARLI will provide more information on when this change will go into effect.
- There has not been any formal announcement on when CARLI will release the final version of its new strategic plan.
- Debbie will check whether a text-only version might be available before the official release.
- The Committee needs to start thinking about a theme and approach for this year's annual project.
- It should be a forward-thinking topic that relates to the CARLI strategic plan.
- Based on its experience with last year's project, the Committee should adjust the timeline so that it can complete the project before the end of the school year.
- Planning for the Fall Forum, which will take place on Thursday, October 25, at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield, continues.
- The morning schedule is set, with Travis McDade from UIUC scheduled to give the keynote address.
- There is still space for two 50-minute breakout sessions in the afternoon.
- Debbie and Lorna will check whether the currently-scheduled afternoon presenters wish to keep their formal presentations at a full 50 minutes or shorten them to allow time for questions and hands-on activities.
- Committee members or volunteers may need to assist with any moderated discussions during the afternoon.
- The poster session that Sarah and Eric submitted for this year’s ILA Annual Conference, titled "Ways in Which ILL Usage Influences Collection Development Policies and Practices in CARLI Libraries" and based on last year’s annual project, has been accepted.
- The session will take place on Thursday, October 11, from 12:00 to 1:30 PM.
Tasks assigned:
- Rand will send out the August listserv question, on training new student workers.
- Committee members will continue to brainstorm ideas for the annual project, including asking colleagues for input.
- Belinda will send out an e-mail with topic ideas for the moderated sessions at the Fall Forum.
- Belinda, Kari, and Marcella will meet as a subcommittee to work on a Fall Forum presentation covering packaging of materials, and then report to the full Committee at next month’s meeting.
- Sarah, Eric, and Marcella will work on preparing the poster session for the ILA Annual Conference and seek input from the rest of the Committee, as needed.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 19, 10:00-11:30 AM, via conference call
- Schedule of Meetings:
- 3rd Wednesday of each month, 10:00-11:30 AM, via conference call