Conference Call
Members attending:
Mary Konkel (College of DuPage); Joelen Pastva (Northwestern University); Gayle Porter (Chicago State University); Adrienne Radzvickas (Lincoln College); Nicole Ream-Sotomayor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Sandy Roe (Illinois State University); Cynthia Romanowski (chair; Governors State University); Chris Schmit (National-Louis University)
Members absent:
Jessica Grzegorski (Newberry Library)
CARLI staff attending:
Jen Masciadrelli
Nicole Swanson
Committee member announcements:
- Joelen announced that as of mid-December, she has been promoted to the department head of Collection Management and Metadata Services at the Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern. They have identified a person to replace her as Metadata Librarian.
- Sandy announced that the search for the Head of the Cataloging and Acquisitions Department and Electronic Resources Librarian at Illinois State University is ongoing and review will start February 1st.
- Cynthia announced that the new Science Librarian at GSU started last week. They started a search for cataloging and reference librarians and have some qualified candidates. An ILL position and a Digital/Web position will be posted soon.
CARLI reports:
- Registration is open for two Created Content Committee webinars:
- OER announcements:
- The four new I-Share libraries are starting their production cycle. They will be in the UC in the beginning of April.
Annual Project: webinar series
- General comments:
- Mary expressed surprise at some of the format designations in new VuFind, such as digital videos displaying as movies+electronic in VuFind 4. Nicole Swanson said that the combined digital formats from 0.6 are now separated into their format + electronic. This is a difference in New VuFind. You can share your thoughts about this in GitHub or at Nicole Swanson also discussed the complex method of selecting formats based on multiple fields.
- Cynthia has been modifying 006 and 007 fields to do cleanup.
- Nicole Ream-Sotomayor found issues with the new VuFind browse, but she hasn’t sent them to CARLI yet.
- VuFind is a moving target with some oddities. There is a list of known problems in the GitHub list.
- The CARLI PowerPoint template doesn’t have slide numbers, but they can be added.
- Among the available versions of the CARLI template we agreed to use the blue I-Share one.
- Comparison between VuFind 0.6 and VuFind 3/New VuFind:
- Mostly done. Need to change it for VuFind 4.
- Optimizing data in VuFind for non-book materials:
- A lively discussion broke out about the prescriptiveness and scope of the webinar.
- The decision was made to create two webinars. NonBook Discovery in VuFind. Part One: Optimizing Searching and Part Two: Optimizing Data.
- Jessica Gibson sent Sandy an e-mail about the new VuFind index definitions and facet definitions (forwarded to the group).
- LC Genre/Form Terms and facets:
- Sandy is comfortable with the content after completing four projects.
- Discussion of recording using PowerPoint, Captivate, and Adobe Connect.
- Discussion about whether genre terms can come from different vocabularies. Yes, if they are indexed (see Jessica Gibson’s note).
- The way that the new VuFind handles genre is very forgiving because it looks in both the 650 and 655 for genre terms (example: Braille). The genre definition for VuFind 0.6 relied exclusively on the presence of a 655 field.
- Additional suggestions and webinar ideas:
- Jen and Nicole can set up conference calls if group members want to teleconference.
- Discussion of the timeline.
- Minutes of the December 6, 2017 meeting were approved.
- Use the CARLI I-Share PowerPoint template.
- The optimizing data in VuFind webinar will be split into two webinars. Cynthia will work on the one for Tech Services, and the rest of the group will work on the one for general searching.
- Webinar timeline:
- February 7 meeting – have draft of script done
- March 7 meeting – PowerPoint done
- April 4 meeting – recordings done
- May - The final versions plus a write up of the annual project must be done by the end of May.
Tasks assigned:
- All members will continue to develop their webinar scripts in Box.
- Cynthia will send the list of formats.
- Sandy will send Jessica Gibson’s note.
Meeting dates and deadlines:
- Next meeting: Wednesday, February 7, 2018, 10:00-11:30 am, via conference call
- See Decisions for webinar timeline.
Respectfully submitted,
Adrienne Radzvickas