Susan Howell (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
Emma Lincoln (Augustana College)
Ann Lindsey (University of Chicago) – joined mid-way
Jamie Nelson (DePaul University)
Bonnie Parr, co-chair (Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum)
Meghan Ryan (National-Louis University)
Melanie Schoenborn (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)
Anne Thomason (Lake Forest College)
Staff attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Melanie Schoenborn announced the retirement of SIUE Electronic Resources Librarian and acting head of Technical Services Karen Gallucci.
Bonnie Parr presented a program on preserving family photos at the Eastern Illinois University Academy of Life-long Learning.
Bonnie announced plans for a stacks improvement project this summer at the ALPL that will involve moving some collections in order to update the compact shelving electronics.
There were no CARLI announcements.
Minutes for the April meeting were approved after minor corrections to spelling and attendance list (motion by Melanie, 2nd by Mary).
Preservation Resources Webliography – The status of all remaining sections was reviewed. Still pending: Blogs & Listservs (Nicole), Disaster Planning & Response (Anne T.), General Resources (Elizabeth & Ann L.), and Glossaries (Anne T.)
Annual Project/Newsletter Tips
Susan is working on an article about the CARLI Last Copy program to be turned in by Friday, 5/18 (Mon. 10:00 a.m. at the latest).
Bonnie thanked Meghan for writing the article on communicating the value of preservation.
Jamie will submit by the end of May.
Nicole set a deadline of 5/29 (5/24 preferred) for submissions to be included in the final report and asked if committee members would be available the week of 5/28 to review the report prior to submission to the CARLI board (most replied in the affirmative). Nicole will pull from the introduction and conclusion to write a short blurb about the project and Mary will try to find some images to include.
Ann will write the conclusion by 5/18.
Open House at University of Chicago and Oriental Institute, 4/20/2018
Bonnie shared positive feedback received from participants.
Ann reported that she and her staff were happy to have hosted the event.
Nicole mentioned hearing positive remarks during the tours, noted that everything was very well organized, and shared that the Oriental Institute staff told her we were their only tour this year due to the renovation work. The only slight problem was that a few participants in the second group missed the meet-up time to tour the Oriental Institute’s conservation lab.
Bonnie thanked Ann, Nicole, and Elizabeth for organizing the event and the University of Chicago for providing the coffee and donuts.
Mary was unable to attend, so Emma & Jamie agreed to work on a write-up to go in the CARLI newsletter over the summer. Nicole shared photos of the event via Box, and reminded everyone not to share photos taken inside the Oriental Institute. Elizabeth suggested linking to a recent publication available on the OI webpage highlighting their collections.
Future Workshops
IFSI Burn Simulation and Recovery, 6/13/2018
Registration is full, with 28 attendees plus Jennifer Hain Teper and her assistant and the IFSI speaker (30 people total).
Interested parties should be encouraged to register anyway as the wait list is empty and spots may open up.
Discussion about materials for the burn: for those sending via I-Share, please stagger shipments rather than sending all at once. If bringing in person, arriving during the 8:00-8:30 check-in time is fine. UIUC is providing shelving units (3 tall, 1 short). Committee members shared the types and quantities of materials they will be contributing.
Protective Enclosures, Spring 2019
Bonnie apologized for failing to respond to an email from Mary requesting specific tasks for the sub-committee. Bonnie will start looking into grant possibilities for supplies, speaker fees, and lunch.
Elizabeth mentioned that the CARLI Board will be looking into the topic of outside funding sources for CARLI-sponsored events, possibly in June.
Elizabeth reported that there are multiple options for filling vacancies this year. We are still waiting for confirmation from one nominee, but two of three have accepted.
Melanie will be cycling off the committee this year, but offered to continue helping with the protective enclosures workshop if it will be held in Springfield. Nicole confirmed that it is okay to continue subcommittee work even after one’s term on the committee is done.
New Chair
Anne T. will be cycling off the committee this year, therefore we need to think about electing a new chair or co-chair at the next meeting.
Mary expressed interest in co-chairing.
Annual Report
Bonnie and/or Anne will draft an annual report and submit it to the committee for review. Due date is 5/31.
Minutes of the 4/19/2018 meeting were approved with minor corrections.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 a.m.
Tasks assigned
Emma Lincoln took minutes.
Annual Project: Susan – article on last copy program, Jamie – elevator speech, Ann – conclusion, Nicole – blurb, Mary – images
Open House: Emma & Jamie – write-up for newsletter
IFSI Burn Simulation: All – send or bring materials to burn
Protective Enclosures Workshop: Bonnie – start investigating grant possibilities
Annual Report: Bonnie & Anne – write draft, all – review/edit
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Next Meeting: Monday, 6/11/2018, Conference call
Schedule of Preservation Committee Meetings: 2018-2019 schedule TBD