Conference Call
Members attending: Belinda Cheek (North Central College); Eric Edwards (Illinois State Library); Kelly Fisher (Eureka College); Lisa Horsley (Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum); Rand Hartsell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Thomas Mantzakides (Morton College); Amanda Roberts (University of Illinois Springfield); Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University); Jennifer Stegen (Loyola University)
Members absent: none
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell; Lorna Engels
• Approved Minutes for March 21, 2018 meeting.
- CARLI Updates
- Instruction showcase at Dominican. Registration opens today
- Cataloging training coming soon, May 22-23.
- 3 or 4 new Resource Sharing Committee members next year
- Listserv Topics
- A survey was recommended, but there was question of “survey burnout”
- What resource sharing related topics would you like to see presented/discussed at such an event?
- What issues do you feel are the most pressing to resource sharing today?
- If “Best Practices” was a topic, it’s good to be specific
- Damage “guidelines,” what is considered damage vs. normal wear/tear
- Right now it’s a negotiation between patron and owning library
- Debbie and Lorna will work up a few survey questions which will take place of listserv question for May
- Annual Project status
- Late survey response was included
- Create sub-groups to concentrate on multiple projects
- Debbie will draft a web page to visualize the structure for the sub-committees.
- Communication will depend on subcommittee’s needs
- Debbie can set up conference calls for those interested
- Andy Meyer Webinar
- Positive feedback from Committee members who watched the Webinar
- Now archived on CARLI website
- Fall Forum
- The Fall Forum will be at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library on Thursday, October 25, 2018.
- Lisa reported there’s essentially no registration limit.
- 61 people attended last Resource Sharing Committee Forum in 2013
- Lisa reported that the ALPL has four rooms that hold about 40 each, plus two larger rooms
Tasks Assigned
- Debbie and Lorna will generate survey questions for Fall Forum topics
- Committee members offered help on specific sections of annual project
- Watch for email noting each assignment
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- Future Meeting Dates (3rd Wednesday of the Month, 10:00-11:30 via teleconference)
- May 16 – Eric Edwards (or volunteer), Minutes
- June 20 - Kelly Fisher (or volunteer), Minutes