Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Emma Lincoln, Augustana College
Ann Lindsey, University of Chicago
Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
Bonnie Parr, co-chair, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Members absent:
Anne Thomason, co-chair, Lake Forest College
Staff attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Committee Member Announcements:
Emma Lincoln of Augustana College noted that they are looking for a new Library Director.
Bonnie Parr shared that the ALPLM will be exhibiting for the Illinois Bicentennial celebration. She and ALPLM staff are working on the exhibit which starts on March 23, 2018.
CARLI Announcements:
Anne Craig, CARLI Director, is holding directors listening sessions at Northern Illinois University on March 21, Illinois Wesleyan University on April 11, and Rush University on April 23.
CARLI Instruction Committee is hosting a webinar “Train the Trainer: Ideas & Tips to help Faculty Teach Information Literacy” on Monday, March 19, 1:00-2:00. The presenter is Marielle McNeal, Head of Teaching and Learning Services at North Park University.
CARLI Resource Sharing Committee is hosting a webinar “Using Data to Assess and Communicate Improvements in Resource Sharing” on Thursday, March 29 from 10-11. Andy Meyer of North Park University will talk about how they used data to assess changes in their resource sharing workflows and staffing.
CARLI Public Services Committee is sponsoring an Open House at the University of St. Francis April 6th.
Preservation Resources Webliography
Assessment Planning -- Emma (finished)
Audiovisual Preservation -- Mary (finished)
Social Media -- Nicole (pending)
Book Repair and Conservation -- Susan (finished)
Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation -- Jamie (pending)
Disaster Planning and Response -- Anne (pending)
Exhibits -- Bonnie (finished)
General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites -- Elizabeth & Ann Lindsey (Ann finished with General Preservation with email to Elizabeth)
Glossaries -- Anne (pending)
Grants and Development -- Meghan (finished)
Legal Issues -- Ann Lindsey (finished)
Library Binding -- Melanie (finished)
Mold, Pests, and the Environment -- Ann Lindsey (finished)
Protective Enclosures and Storage -- Meghan (finished)
Special Collections and Archives -- Mary (finished)
Supply Vendors -- Bonnie (finished)
Training -- Susan (finished)
Annual Project/Newsletter Tips – Communicating the Value of Preservation and Training assignments coming up:
March - Facilities Managers (Anne) and Student Workers (Melanie) deadline March 19th
March also will include a paragraph from Meghan on Preservation Week in April.
April – Users/Stakeholders Training (Meghan)
Future workshops and open houses
Preservation Open House – University of Chicago Preservation Department and Oriental Institute
The Open House is full with a waiting list of 21 for the April 20, 2018 program.
Nicole and Elizabeth will print the agenda and name tags. Ann will check if anything else should be printed.
Ann Lindsay volunteered to help Nicole with check-in the day of the Open House.
IFSI Burn Simulation and Recovery – June 13, 2018
Currently there are 9 open slots available.
Jennifer will bring Quinn Ferris as a helper from the University of Illinois.
IFSI will setup the shelving the day of the event.
Donated materials (books, albums, etc.) can be brought the day of the event and dropped off during the check-in period from 8-8:30 am. We will further discuss the possibility of sending materials at our next meeting.
Shelving will be secured through Jennifer Teper with a request from the committee of four shelving units (3 tall and 1 shorter, or whatever combination is available) which was considered the better simulation of common current practice at most libraries. Jennifer and Quinn will be consulted for placement of materials on the shelves the day of the event for IFSI personnel.
Ann, Meghan, Susan and Emma have books for the burn simulation. Bonnie and Melanie will be bringing boxes of books and miscellaneous audio-visual materials the day of the event.
Spring 2019 – Protective Enclosures
No report from the chair of the subcommittee. (Bonnie, chair, Mary, Susan, Meghan, and Melanie)
Bonnie has a draft of a start-up email to the subcommittee which she will be sending out this week.
New business
The annual report and annual project summary are due May 31, 2018.
Anne, Jamie and Melanie’s terms will end June 30.
Please reach out to your colleagues at member institutions and invite them to volunteer for the committee. The call for volunteers often goes out in March and closes at the end of April. Several members recommended Tonia Grafakos, Director of Preservation at Northwestern. She has not previously served on the Committee.
Minutes of the February 12, 2018 meeting were approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:46 am.
Tasks assigned:
Melanie took minutes for the meeting.
Ann Lindsey will contact Elizabeth and Nicole if any handouts are needed for the Open House on April 20, 2018.
Elizabeth and Nicole will ask Jennifer Teper about shelving and include the request from the Committee. Jennifer and Quinn will be asked to do the placement of materials for IFSI personnel the day of the event.
Anne Thomason and Melanie Schoenborn will submit Newsletter articles by March 19, 2018.
Bonnie will email the subcommittee this week for the start-up of The Protective Enclosures workshop.
Bonnie asked that the membership keep in mind new members for the Committee for the coming year. Contact her or Nicole or Elizabeth with recommendations.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
Next Meeting: Monday, April 9, 2018
Schedule of CARLI Preservation Committee Meetings:
Monday, May 14, 2018 10-11:30 am conference call
Monday, June 11, 2018 10-11:30 am conference call
Upcoming events:
Friday, April 20, 2018 – Open House at University of Chicago Preservation Department and Oriental Institute
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 – IFSI Burn Simulation and Recovery including hands-on fire extinguisher training