Conference Call started 10:02 a.m.
Members attending: Belinda Cheek (North Central College); Eric Edwards (Illinois State Library); Kelly Fisher (Eureka College); Rand Hartsell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Lisa Horsley (Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum); Thomas Mantzakides (University of Illinois at Chicago); Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University); Amanda Roberts (University of Illinois Springfield); Jennifer Stegen (Loyola University)
Members absent: None
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
- Approved Minutes from August 16, 2017 meeting.
Announcements & Discussion:
- CARLI Updates
- Ann Craig has directors session Monday 9/25 at SIE
- Voyager MFHD training is on 10/3
- There were 11 people at the 9/14 Circ training session (highest attendance in a long time).
- CARLI Newsletter is coming out late next week.
- CARLI Annual meeting is Nov. 17. Registration is still open.
- Listserv Topics and Project ideas
- Decision made to post September’s closer to the end of the month and then discuss an October question at next meeting.
- Annual Project (brainstorming)
- The topic decided on was ways in which ILL usage influences collection development policies and practices in CARLI libraries.
- Eric will create Google docs for collecting annotated bibliography/ literature review and survey draft.
- Annotated Bibliography:
- Committee will begin an annotated bibliography on topic in Google Docs.
- Survey:
- Committee will draft a survey to be sent via SurveyMonkey to CARLI libraries and work on a literature review for an annotated bibliography.
- Survey will be sent to CARLI libraries through email listservs including Resource Sharing Interest Group, CCG (acquisitions), I-SHARE Liaisons, and Public Services Interest Group.
- Once survey administered, committee will analyze data to create a summary of current/best practices.
- Members of the committee whose libraries have such practices are asked to write a short summary about them to add to the project.
- Kevin O'Brien's webinar
- Determine time and date for Kevin O’Brien webinar (based on Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference presentation
- Should be a 30 minute presentation with additional time for questions.
- Dates proposed November 6, 7, 9, or 10 but others open.
- Thomas will send proposed dates to Kevin for selection.
- ILA conference poster session to present last year’s annual project
- Eric, Thomas, and Marcella Nowack are scheduled to present Thursday, Oct. 12 from 12:00-1:30 in exhibit hall.
- They hope to get slides out to committee for feedback prior to ILA.
- Annual meeting in November to present last year’s annual project (preparing summary of project to accompany presentation)
- Eric will try to have a draft of the 1 page report for committee feedback by the end of September.
- Other (e.g. additional webinars, decision on hosting an Open House)
- Possibility of joining with Instruction committee on a project related to promotion/marketing of ILL services.
- Open House or forum possibilities: The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum has volunteered to host something in the future. We will wait to see what the Public Services committee decides to plan for their Open Houses.
Tasks Assigned:
- Eric will create Google docs for collecting annotated bibliography/ literature review and survey draft.
- Thomas will send proposed dates to Kevin for webinar.
- Eric, Thomas, and Marcella Nowack hope to get slides out to committee for feedback prior to ILA.
- Eric will try to have a draft of the 1 page report for the CARLI Annual Meeting prepared for committee feedback by the end of September.
Meeting Dates & Deadlines:
- Future Meeting Dates (3rd Wednesday of the Month, 10:00-11:30 via teleconference)
- October 18 - Rand Hartsell, Minutes
- November 15 - Lisa Horsley, Minutes
- December 20 - Thomas Mantzakides, Minutes