The annual online certification process begins January 2, 2018. Certification is required of all library system members (including all CARLI libraries) in order to qualify for continuing system services and grants programs from the Illinois State Library. The window for certification will close March 31, 2018. You can certify online.
Libraries are also required to complete the ILL ILLINET Traffic Survey before completing certification. The ILL ILLINET Traffic Survey can be completed any time prior to the certification deadline, March 31.
More information about certification is available at the State Library′s Annual Library Certification Web page. The page includes a link to the data and questions included in the certification form, a link to the online certification portal (accessible from January 2–March 31), an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), a pre-recorded webinar that reviews the annual certification process, and a document outlining Library Data Entry Guidelines to use in completing the certification form.
CARLI staff have created a new web form for the submission of updates to your membership page and staff directory. When the completed web form is submitted, the contact will receive a confirmation from support ticket system that a ticket has been created, and a confirmation from CARLI staff when the updates have been completed.
The CARLI office will be closed from Monday, December 25 through Monday, January 1. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2.
The following is the list of days that ILDS will not provide service this year:
For those of you who have indicated that your location will be open from December 26–December 28, we ask that you have your outgoing ILDS shipment ready to go first thing in the morning. Delivery times will be impacted by the number of locations that are closed during this time.
Please send an email to CARLI support or call toll free 866-904-5843 to report any problems or concerns. Callers will have the option to page a tech support staff person to report a system outage or any other serious problem. CARLI staff will respond to all other issues and reports when regular business hours resume.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!
The CARLI Created Content Committee is pleased to announce registration is now open for two copyright-related webinars!
Rights Statements and Using
Thursday, February 1, from 10:00–11:00 am
Join Hannah Stitzlein, Visiting Metadata Services Specialist for the Illinois Digital Heritage Hub at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, as she discusses right statements for library created digital materials. In this webinar, participants will learn how rights statements can be used effectively in digital collections, and how digital library owners can take advantage of the RightsStatements website.
Please register for this session no later than Monday, January 29, 2018.
Copyright Q&A with Sara Benson, Copyright Librarian
March 6, 10:00 am–12:00 pm
Sara Benson is an Assistant Professor and the Copyright Librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. She has a JD, a Masters of Law, and an MLIS and looks forward to conversing with CARLI members about copyright. You can find her podcast (titled ©hat or ″copyright chat″) on the University of Illinois library site or on iTunes.
Please register no later than Friday, March 2, 2018. There is a section on the registration page that allows you to ask your copyright question in advance.
Contact the CARLI Office if you have any questions.
The CARLI Preservation Committee is pleased to sponsor Open Houses at the University of Chicago Library and the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago on Friday, April 20, 2018.
Registration will be available soon.
If you have any questions, please email CARLI support.
The CARLI Public Services Committee is pleased to sponsor an Open House that has an emphasis on the changing nature of library spaces.
Please save March 15, 2018 to visit Millikin University′s University Commons. Their newly remodeled and reconfigured space opened in August 2017, combining the Staley Library, the Office of Student Success, Student Development, a New Technologies Studio (makerspace), technology-rich classrooms, the Writing Center, the Math Center, Campus Dining Services, and more.
Registration information and full program will be forthcoming.
If you have any questions, please email CARLI Support.
Please join us on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 from 2:00–3:30 p.m. when the OER Task Force will present a webinar on promoting OER to faculty and campus administrators.
Drawing on our participation in the 2017 Open Textbook Network′s Summer Institute and Summit, this webinar will present the basics and best practices for talking about OER on your campus, introduce resources available for promoting OER, and report on the findings of the CARLI OER Survey. A brief Q&A will follow the presentation.
Connection information for the webinar will be sent after you register.
The OER Task Force is seeking your help with populating a new CARLI website dedicated to sharing information and resources related to open educational resources. We would like to highlight any LibGuides, websites, citations, presentations, or other materials created by CARLI members about OER.
Please contribute the content you′d like to highlight or have found to be useful by Thursday, January 11.
The task force has created a Google Folder for the sections of the website we are developing.
Sections seeking content are:
The OER Task Force thanks you for your help!
CARLI has established an email list for members to discuss and learn more about Open Educational Resources. Anyone from a CARLI institution may subscribe to the email list.
If you are interested in learning more about promoting Open Educational Resources at your institution, please keep the week of April 23–27, 2018 in mind when planning your spring calendar. Staff members from the Open Textbook Network will be presenting train-the-trainer workshops to CARLI library staff, instructional design staff, and/or faculty partners on three separate days that week. The training will demonstrate how to present sessions at your local institution on what open textbooks are, how they are developed, and how to use these materials.
The three sessions will contain the same information, so you only need to attend one.
Registration will be available after the first of the year for the following sessions:
The Open Textbook Network supports the curated Open Textbook Library.
The Open Textbook Library contains over 400 titles from all academic disciplines. These are original textbooks (not a derivative of another book) that are openly available to all and in a completely portable file format. The titles are in use at multiple higher education institutions. Subjects include business topics, humanities, engineering, law, mathematics, social sciences, medical, student success, and more.
The OTN provides MARC records for each title in the Open Textbook Library. CARLI staff have modified these records for our environment and have loaded them into CARLI′s Resource database. The 420 records are now visible in both I-Share and in I-Share members′ local VuFind catalogs. CARLI will load monthly updates as they become available.
If your library uses another system or discovery service and you wish to have a set of the Open Textbook Library MARC records, you can request a copy of the CARLI-modified records by sending an email to CARLI Support or obtain the unmodified MARC records directly from OTN’s website. OTN has requested libraries avoid using the Open Textbook Library OCLC Knowledge base collection.
At the 2017 Open Textbook Network Summit, resources were shared for engaging faculty in the conversation to use open course materials including training materials. If you are interested in these resources, please send a note to CARLI support.
On Dec. 12, CARLI released the New VuFind catalog running version 4.1. The New VuFind catalog contains live production data; requests are real and item status information is current.
Many of the changes in version 4.1 have been to the underlying structure of the software, but it also includes some new features:
The launch of New VuFind does not change the existing VuFind 0.6 local catalog or I-Share union catalog interfaces that remain available. I-Share libraries may present the New VuFind to their users either alongside the current VuFind 0.6 interface or instead of the VuFind 0.6 interface.
You can learn more about New VuFind and review the differences in features and functionality between VuFind 0.6 and New VuFind at:
Providing a proper environment is fundamental to long-term preservation of library, archival, and cultural collections. Paper-based items, photographic materials, and artifacts made of organic components are very reactive to the conditions around them. In response to fluctuations in humidity, they expand and contract, resulting in dimensional changes. They are vulnerable to mold growth, fading, and physical and chemical degradation caused by exposure to heat, moisture, and light. To counteract these effects, it is important to stabilize temperature and humidity levels and to minimize exposure to light.
Environmental monitoring is essential to gather information about and assess the effectiveness of the environment in which collections are kept. To facilitate temperature and humidity monitoring, there are continuous recording devices (data loggers and hygrothermographs) and spot readers that display only current conditions (thermometers, hygrometers, and humidity indicator strips). Light meters (used to measure visible light) and UV meters (used to measure ultra-violet radiation) take spot readings. Blue Wool cards – which have strips of blue-dyed wool attached in a sequence from most light-sensitive to most light-stable dyes – provide visible evidence of light damage over a span of time. By comparing cards exposed to light (the strips fade at different rates) with cards kept in the dark, it can be determined whether lighting in a specific location is appropriate or too strong for the storage or display of collection materials.
Continue reading the full article...
View this and other articles written by Preservation Committee members on the topic Communicating the Value of Preservation.
RAILS published a new edition of their periodic e-newsletter for academic libraries on December 4. If you are not currently subscribed, you can view the curent issue online.
The e-news has the latest information about e-resources especially for academic libraries, including open educational resource collections (OERs) available for unlimited use and download through RAILS' partnership with BiblioLabs. You'll also learn about continuing education offerings for academic libraries (including recorded webinars) and much more!
If you would like to receive future issues of the e-newsletter, please subscribe!
Mark your calendars for the 5th annual GLRSC: Charting Our Course Together on June 7–8, 2018 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Perrysburg, OH. The conference will feature a keynote presentation by George Needham, Director of the Delaware County District Library.
This conference is an opportunity for individuals working in resource sharing to trade information and network with other colleagues. Watch for updates on the conference website. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Do you have a new idea or success story to share? We are accepting program proposals through January 12, 2018, on any of the following topic areas:
Proposed presentations should be 45 minutes in length including time for questions. The submission form is available at online. A call for proposals for lightning round presentations (15 minutes in length) will be announced in February.
Accepted presenters will have the opportunity to publish a version of their conference presentation to the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, & Electronic Reserves in a special issue, but will not be obligated to do so.
Each proposal should include a title, description, and abstract. Program proposals will be reviewed by the program committee, with selected presenters notified by February 16, 2018. Please direct any questions to Amanda Musacchio and Mark Sullivan.
Since 2013, RAILS has been researching a potential project to provide library users with seamless access to the catalogs of RAILS consortia and standalone libraries that choose to participate. RAILS chose to call this an overlay project to emphasize that the goal is to expand resource sharing by connecting, not replacing, existing integrated library systems.
Contract negotiations with Auto-Graphics for its SHAREit software are now in progress, following a thorough procurement process. The project will begin in early 2018 with a small pilot project of 10–20 libraries from three consortia and expand from there. After the pilot, participation will be open to any interested library of any type—academic, public, school, or special. Participation will be voluntary, not required.
RAILS would like to have several RAILS libraries in I-Share participate in the pilot project, at no cost to the libraries during the pilot. Interested libraries should contact Jane Plass, RAILS Associate Executive Director, by email or phone 630.734.5129.
December 25–January 1 CARLI Office Closed
January 15 CARLI Office Closed
January 17 Basics and Best Practices for Promoting OER on Campus Webinar
February 1 Using for Digital Collections Webinar
January 8 Preservation Committee
January 8 Instruction Committee
January 8 Public Services Committee
January 10 Technical Services Committee
January 10 SFX Systems Committee
January 10 Created Content Committee
January 10 Commercial Products Committee
January 16 Open Educational Resources Task Force
January 17 Resource Sharing Committee
January 25 Collection Management Committee
February 7 Technical Services Committee
February 12 Preservation Committee
February 12 Instruction Committee
February 12 Public Services Committee
February 14 SFX Systems Committee
February 14 Created Content Committee
February 14 Commercial Products Committee
February 20 Open Educational Resources Task Force
February 21 Resource Sharing Committee
February 22 Collection Management Committee
February 28 Executive Committee Conference Call
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.