Members attending: Deb Blecic, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Daniel Blewett (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Gretchen Schneider, co-chair (Oakton Community College), Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Members absent: Teri Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum and Library), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage
Staff absent: Jen Masciadrelli
Tasks Assigned
- Gretchen Schneider took minutes.
- Elizabeth will set up a Doodle poll for future meetings. It must be completed by August 23rd.
- Dan and Michelle will review the CARLI Scholarly Communication Web Page.
- Deb will work on a draft for our one page report for the CARLI Annual Meeting.
- Kimberly Shotick will take minutes next month.
- Minutes from July 2017 meeting were approved.
- In person meeting will be September 28th, 10 a.m.—3 p.m. at the College of DuPage. CARLI will be providing lunch.
- Will finalize goals at the in-person meeting in September.
- CARLI Update:
- The state has a budget but CARLI has not received its budget information .
- The Last Copy Program is going strong, as several libraries are doing weeding projects.
- Strategic planning is ongoing.
- The procurement legislation for exemption of library materials passed without an end date.
- Member announcements:
- The Social Sciences Bibliographer retired and the Health Sciences Bibliographer resigned at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
- There is a new interim dean, Shari Zeck, at Illinois State University.
- Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy is moving and eliminating their reference collection.
- Northeastern Illinois University is constructing the language for hiring a dean. There was a nice memorial service for Dave Green.
- Collaborative Collection Development Updates
- Literature: Work continues on the Open Access eBook Selection Criteria list.
- One Time Purchase: They are collating what was accomplished last year and looking to see if there are more unique titles in the collection as a result of these purchases.
- Education: No updates.
- Setting Goals for the next year
- Collaborative Collection Development
- Continue current groups.
- Add open access options. Determine how open access works with CARLI, what our options are, how we manage it, transparency, and awareness.
- Develop assessment strategies.
- Annual Project – Open Access Options in CARLI
- Look into the rules for adding open access titles.
- Develop open access selection criteria checklist.
- How does open access work in the I-Share catalog?
- If institutions add titles, other institutions will not see them. Is there a way to develop a different way to add these as a collection?
- Ask the Technical Services Committee if they are interested in developing a way to add titles to the I-Share collection as open access books and setting up guidelines on how to do it. Elizabeth will look into how it can be done and talk to the committee.
- Weeding criteria: Should titles be kept for historical purposes or weeded to keep the collection current? Is there a way that libraries could choose to not show titles that are dated?
- If open access titles are housed in the I-Share catalog, how can you tell if the title is open access versus a paid for ebook only available to a specific institution?
- Is there any tie-ins with the open textbook network membership?
- We will continue to brainstorm other questions to consider at our next meeting.
- We will set up a Box document to add questions to look into and thoughts on this project.
- Scholarly Communication Web Page Update
- Dan and Michelle looked through all the links and updated one.
- Next step is looking to see what can be added.
- Revisions should be sent to Elizabeth.
- Additions should be sent to the group to review before being added.
- CARLI Annual Meeting Presentation
- The one page report is due November 17th. Deb will come up with a draft that we will review at our in person meeting.
- Deb and Gretchen volunteered to co-present.
- We need 8 slides for the presentation.
- ILA Presentation
- The group presenting set up a meeting time to work on this project.
Next Meeting
To be determined