Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Ann Lindsey, University of Chicago
Jamie Nelson, DePaul University (by phone)
Bonnie Parr, co-chair, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Anne Thomason, co-chair, Lake Forest College
Members Absent:
Jennifer Hunt Johnson, Illinois State University
Staff Attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Anne Craig
Nicole Swanson
CARLI announcements
Anne Craig reported on the Illinois state budget being approved.
The Annual CARLI Meeting will be held at the I-Hotel on November 17, 2017.
There will be reports by the CARLI Committees. There are ten CARLI Committee projects but not all of them are suitable for presentation at the Annual meeting as 8-minute reports. One-page reports on committee activities were a very popular piece at last year's annual meeting.
Anne Craig needs to be notified if the Preservation Committee wants to present their 2016-2017 project at the annual meeting on November 17th.
The draft of the CARLI strategic plan will be presented at the annual meeting.
There will be a number of CARLI programs at the ILA meeting on October 11th.
One of the programs will be on the Open Textbook Network.
There will be a CARLI update session.
Anne Craig will be presenting a session that showcases library schools in Illinois, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Dominican University.
A CARLI program on Collaborative Collection Development will be presented by members of the Collection Management Committee.
Nicole will be presenting on Sync Your WorldCat Holdings to Improve Patron Access
The IACRL Luncheon will be held on October 11th.
Anne Craig will launch a listening session tour and meet with CARLI library directors around the state. Seven sessions are scheduled.
CARLI has joined the Open Textbook Network and established the Open Educational Resources Task Force.
A CARLI Acquisitions Training will be held on August 28th and 29th.
Member announcements:
Melanie shared that the Lovejoy Library at SIUE is digitizing a collection of photos that belong to the Mayor of East St. Louis. The library will host this digital collection but does not retain ownership of the photographs.
Bonnie reported that they are trying to identify items in the collection that contain nitrate. They are also learning the digital specifications for reformatting sheet negatives.
Mary reported that NIU has recently completed a Digital Preservation Implementation Plan. An audiovisual preservation subcommittee is working on a pilot project to determine the preservation needs of AV materials in the library’s Southeast Asia Collection.
Group Communications
Overview of Committee email list and Preservation Committee group space on the CARLI website.
Recap of the CARLI Preservation Committee workshop Salvaging Mold and Water Damaged Library Materials
The evaluations were very positive.
Suggestions for future workshop topics included rebinding a book, rust or staining, basic book repair, photographs, scrapbooks and photos from scrapbooks.
Annual Project
Suggestions for this year's annual project were discussed:
Fire disaster in libraries was considered with the year's project being capped off with a workshop presented at the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) Burn Simulation and Recovery Workshop.
IFSI has charged CARLI for this program in the past, so there may need to be a registration fee for the workshop. We would need a cancellation policy in case of low registration. As previously requested by the IFSI, the committee should request a summer 2018 workshop by August 2017. It was suggested that part of the workshop should be on fire extinguishers. It was also suggested to approach Jennifer H. Teper to lead the recovery portion of the program. A list of monthly blog topics for fire disasters was suggested: introduction, fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, high density storage, salvage and recovery of materials after a fire, preservation week, first responders and fire safety, notable library fires and how they were handled, conclusion. Staff training and fires was another suggested topic.
Communicating the importance of preservation and training
Topics to be addressed include: staff training, student training, communicating with facilities staff, communicating with administrators, last copy program.
Funding preservation during a budget crisis
Other open houses or workshops
Preservation Open House
A return trip to the University of Chicago preservation department with a trip to the Oriental Institute was proposed for March or early April.
An advanced topic book repair workshop was discussed.
Mary Burns was confirmed to take minutes.
The June minutes were approved.
The Committee will make a final decision on the topic for the annual project at the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm.
Tasks Assigned
Schedule for minutes was assigned alphabetically by institution excepting July:
Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation -- Jamie
Disaster Planning and Response -- Anne
Exhibits -- Bonnie
General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites -- Elizabeth & Ann Lindsey
Glossaries -- Anne
Grants and Development -- Meghan
Legal Issues -- Jen
Library Binding -- Melanie
Mold, Pests, and the Environment -- Ann Lindsey
Protective Enclosures and Storage -- Meghan
Special Collections and Archives -- Mary
Supply Vendors -- Bonnie
Training -- Susan
Anne Thomason will contact Jennifer Teper about leading the workshop at the IFSI about salvage after a fire.
Committee members were assigned links to check on the Preservation Resources website.
Ann Lindsey will look into the possibility of an open house at the University of Chicago’s preservation department with a trip to the Oriental Institute (March or early April).
Melanie and Mary will write a piece to recap the Preservation Workshop on Salvaging Mold and Water Damaged Library Materials for the August CARLI Newsletter.
The Committee's Annual Project topic has to be decided by October 15th.
The Annual Project Summary has to be submitted by October 16.
Elizabeth and Nicole will contact the IFSI to look into possible program dates and inquire about a program that includes fire extinguisher instruction.