conference call
Members attending:
Melissa Burel (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville); Jessica Grzegorski (Newberry Library); Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union); Mary Konkel (co-chair; College of DuPage); Nicole Ream-Sotomayor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Sandy Roe (Illinois State University); Cynthia Romanowski (Governors State University)
Members absent:
Keith Eiten (Wheaton College); Joelen Pastva (co-chair; Northwestern University)
CARLI staff attending:
Jen Masciadrelli; Nicole Swanson
Committee member announcements:
- Ann Heinrichs announced that Catholic Theological Union has hired a new Library Director, who will begin on July 1.
- Mary Konkel announced that the Interim Associate Dean at College of DuPage, Jennifer McIntosh, has been appointed Associate Dean of the Library effective immediately.
- Cynthia Romanowski has nearly completed a book chapter tentatively titled, “Academic Libraries and the Academy: Strategies and Approaches to Demonstrate Your Value, Impact and Return on Investment.”
- Cynthia will deliver a presentation at the ILA Annual Conference (Oct. 10-12, 2017) tentatively titled, “Illinois Budget Crisis and Its Impact on Technical Services: One Library’s Productivity Assessment.”
- Nicole Ream-Sotomayor announced that the position of Monographic and Media Cataloging Coordinator at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will be open for applications beginning mid-June.
CARLI reports:
- Three new volunteers will be joining the Technical Services Committee in FY2017-2018: Adrienne Radzvickas, Technical Services Librarian at Lincoln College; Christopher Schmit, Metadata and Systems Librarian at National Lewis University; and Gayle Porter, Special Formats Cataloging Librarian at Chicago State University.
- There will be new I-Share libraries in the upcoming fiscal year.
- Jen Masciadrelli provided an update on I-Share Next, noting that CARLI is still working with the state procurement officer.
- Both Jen Masciadrelli and Nicole Swanson will deliver presentations at the ILA Conference. Nicole’s presentation with Lisa Bobis (Joliet Public Library) and Beth Cox (Southern Illinois University-Carbondale) is titled, “Sync Your WorldCat Holdings to Improve Patron Access.” Jen will present on the topic of cooperative collection development.
- CatER documents: All documents are posted on Box. TSC members sent feedback and revisions via email to Jen Masciadrelli. Jen hopes to incorporate suggestions this week, and will let members know when the final draft is ready.
- Spring Forum: Survey results indicate that the Spring Forum was well received by participants. Many praised the venue (Governors State University), found the content useful, and appreciated the collaboration between committees. Some participants had hoped for longer sessions on some topics, but the feedback was positive and encouraging for the forum as a whole. Mary Konkel asked whether the notes and questions captured during the forum could be posted on the CARLI website; Jen Masciadrelli and Nicole Swanson indicated that this would be possible. Thank you to everyone involved for their fine efforts in making this forum such as success. Extra kudos to Planning Committee members: Mary Konkel, Joelen Pastva, Keith Eiten, Cynthia Romanowski, Niamh McGuigan, Connie James-Jenkins and CARLI staff: Jen Masciadrelli, Nicole Swanson, and Elizabeth Clarage.
- Annual Project: Members toured the project in its published form on the CARLI website and expressed appreciation to Nicole Swanson for her excellent work in migrating the project content to the site. Nicole suggested additions and revisions to Step 5, including the addition of Location Changer as a resource for bulk editing. Jen Masciadrelli noted that she made some minor edits to the text (e.g. changing “Warning” to “Note”). Members suggested other minor edits to Steps 1 and 3 and noted the inconsistent use of capitalization in bulleted lists. Ann Heinrichs offered to send grammatical revisions to Nicole. Once the minor edits have been made, the Annual Project will be ready for the Board. Jen and Nicole noted that projects in the form of a website would probably be presented to the Board with an introduction and link, but they will confirm.
- Annual Report: The deadline for the TSC Annual Report is May 31. Mary Konkel will draft a report and send it to the committee for comments and revisions.
• Minutes of the April 26, 2017, meeting were approved.
• Members approved the omission of the bulleted list from Step 3 and the suggestion for revision of grammatical errors and inconsistencies.
• The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 am.
Tasks assigned:
• Jen Masciadrelli will incorporate suggested revisions into the CatER documents and let TSC members know when the final draft is ready.
• Mary Konkel forwarded notes and questions captured during the Spring Forum as well as the survey evaluation link to the Collection Management Committee.
• Nicole Swanson will draft revisions to Step 5 of the Annual Project and send them to Keith Eiten and Jessica Grzegorski for review and will omit the bulleted list at the beginning of Step 3.
• Ann Heinrichs will send suggested revisions for grammatical errors in Annual Project to Nicole Swanson.
• Jen and Nicole confirmed that the Annual Project may be presented to the Board in an email with introduction and link to the web page.
• Mary Konkel will write a draft of the Annual Report and send to TSC members for comment before the deadline of May 31.
Meeting dates and deadlines:
• Annual Report deadline: May 31, 2017
• Next meeting: Wednesday, June 28, 9:00-10:30 am, via conference call
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Grzegorski