Location: Online Conference Call
Members attending: Colleen Bannon (Midwestern), Christina Heady (SIUC), Matthew Olsen (Millikin), April Purcell Levy (Columbia College Chicago), Mackenzie Salisbury (School of the Art Institute of Chicago), Lora Smallman (SIUE)
Members absent: Larissa Garcia, Chelsea Sutton, Anne Zald
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell and Lorna Engels
- Toolkit bibliography: working to get everything ready to send to Debbie.
- A number of redundancies were found and committee members propose the removal.
- Discussion of the linking to the Standards in the bibliography.
- Decided to keep the Standards link for now.
- Sub-committee will send the document to Debbie at the end of April.
- Annual Project Volunteers: Thank you to everyone who volunteered.
- April volunteered for the last spot needed.
- What to do about the Instruction Showcase? Not enough proposals were received to fill a full day.
- State of the state? Are people uninterested or lacking in funding? Bad timing for the call?
- Discussion of transitioning to a webinar, soliciting speakers, volunteers to present, or an unconference.
- If there are a few more presenters, discussion of facilitated roundtables or longer presentations.
- Final decision to resend out the call for proposals, and review submissions the week of May 1st.
- A Doodle poll will go out to select a time May 2nd or 3rd to meet to discuss the Showcase and review proposals.