CARLI News April 26, 2017

Volunteer for a CARLI Committee: Deadline April 28

Each year CARLI has a number of opportunities to serve on various committees. Service on CARLI committees affords individuals a unique opportunity to use their experience and expertise to help shape the future of the consortium and its services. CARLI is now seeking volunteers to serve on nine advisory committees. Volunteers chosen will serve a three-year term, July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020. Faculty and staff members from all CARLI member libraries, with all levels of experience, are encouraged to apply.

To volunteer, please complete the committee volunteer form by April 28. To be considered for appointment, you must fill out the online form, even if you have previously submitted a form, or if you are a current committee member whose term is expiring and you wish to be considered again. CARLI seeks to include as many individuals and institutions as possible in committee service, so committee rosters are limited to one person from any institution, and reappointments are not routinely made.

Forms submitted by April 28 will be considered for initial FY 2018 appointments. The list of all volunteers will be retained until March 1, 2018 and will be used to fill other committee vacancies as they occur.

Individuals accepting appointments to CARLI committees are expected to participate fully and actively in the work of the committee, including regular attendance at meetings and committee-sponsored events held throughout the calendar year. CARLI makes every effort to conduct the majority of committee business using web conferencing technologies or via conference calls. However, committee service may require time and/or travel expenses for one or more in-person meetings each year.

The following CARLI committees are seeking members:

  • Collection Management Committee
  • Commercial Products Committee
  • Created Content Committee
  • Instruction Committee
  • Preservation Committee
  • Public Services Committee
  • Resource Sharing Committee
  • SFX System Committee
  • Technical Services Committee

To view the committee charge, and the current committee rosters, visit the Board and Committee pages

The Senior Director, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the CARLI Board of Directors will make appointments no later than June 16, 2017. All new committee members will officially begin work on July 1, 2017.

Please send questions about CARLI committees or the process for selecting committee members to .

Fiscal Year 2018 Selection System Now Open

The FY 18 Selection Cycle is now open to libraries for their FY18 (July 1, 2017–June 30, 2018) subscription commitments using the CARLI e-resources selection system.  Please share this information with all of your staff that are involved in the selection process.  

User credentials and selection system instructions for the password protected CARLI selection database have previously been sent to the E-Resource contacts at each of our governing member libraries. If you are the E-Resources contact and did not obtain an ID/password, or have misplaced it, please submit a request to with the subject line: FY2018 selection period. To reset your password, you can go to the selection system link, enter your email address, and select “I don’t know my password.”

We realize this is a particularly challenging time to make subscription decisions for the upcoming fiscal year due to budget limitations and without state budget information. As a result, libraries should be careful to make financial commitments for electronic resource subscriptions for FY18 only where adequate funding can be assured. 

The selection period will run from now through May 19, 2017. After that, preliminary billing estimates will be sent to subscribing libraries for review and subscription lists will be submitted to vendors. Service for FY18 subscribers will begin on July 1, 2017 and final invoices will be sent to subscribing libraries after July 1, 2017.

Call for Instruction Showcase Proposals—Extended until May 1, 2017

The call for proposals for presentations at the 5th annual Instruction Showcase has been extended until May 1. 

Please share this message with anyone in your institution who may be interested in participating.

The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the fifth annual Instruction Showcase being held on Thursday, June 15 at National-Louis University, Wheeling, IL.
CARLI members are welcome to submit proposals on all library instruction topics, and encouraged to draw inspiration from the committee's theme this year, "Evolving Library Instruction: Negotiating Change in Uncertain Times." Examples related to the theme include online instruction, alternatives to one-shot instruction, or student engagement techniques. Each breakout room is equipped with a presenter’s station, however, please note that there will not be a computer lab available this year.
Proposals should outline an instruction session activity that supports skills-based or conceptual learning and encourages active student participation. Please include a full lesson plan with your proposal. A template is available, but feel free to use your preferred format. All lesson plans must include the following elements: topic, learning objectives, materials, activity overview, assessment of student learning, and applicable knowledge practices and/or dispositions from the Framework for Information Literacy. Presenters will be given 15 minutes to present and five minutes for questions and answers.
If interested, please submit the proposal form. Submissions will be reviewed by the CARLI Instruction Committee; notifications will be sent after May 2.
Please send any questions about the Instruction Showcase to CARLI support.

Resource Sharing Committee Open House

The CARLI Resource Sharing Committee is hosting a second set of open houses on Friday, May 19 at Illinois Central College, East Peoria and Eureka College. Registration is open until Tuesday, May 9, 2017.

Voyager Reports Mini-Webinars

Beginning in January 2017, CARLI staff started hosting brief, monthly, mini-webinars to share tips, tricks, and techniques on generating reports from Voyager. Each webinar provides an opportunity for questions and answers on Voyager reporting tools, such as Access and Web Reports, and on topics of broad interest, such as techniques for gathering circulation statistics or developing reports for responding to ACRL and IPEDS surveys. 
Future Voyager Reports Mini-Webinars will take place on May 11 and June 8. Please see the CARLI Events Calendar for more information on how to participate.

Recordings of the webinars are also available for later viewing. Those interested may find the recordings at the Reports Webinar page.

Other Library News

Register for the Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference June 8-9, 2017

Are you planning to attend the 4th Annual Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference on June 8-9, 2017? Register by May 26 at to take advantage of the lower registration fee. The $95 registration fee will increase to $125 after May 26. Remember to book your hotel room soon. The special room rate at the DoubleTree Hotel in Oak Brook, IL will be available until May 18, or until the rooms in the group block are sold out, whichever comes first. 
Schedule in brief:

Thursday, June 8, 2017

  • 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.—OCLC Resource Sharing Update
  • 1:45 to 3:30 p.m. (including break)—Lightning rounds
  • 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.—The Contemporary Academic Library Resource Sharing Mission: Fragmentation or Evolution?
  • 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.—Opening reception and trivia contest
  • 6:00 p.m. and later—Dine-arounds or dinner on your own

Friday, June 9, 2017—8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

  • Keynote address: History Has Its Eyes on You: Lighthouse and Libraries Weathering Storms of Change
  • Corey Seeman, Director of Kresge Library Services (Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) and manager of A Library Writer’s Blog
  • Three tracks of concurrent sessions
  • Breakfast, lunch, and breaks included

Concurrent Sessions:

  • CARLI’s Patron Driven Acquisitions Project for Print Materials: A Review of a Consortial Project
  • Strength in Numbers: Demonstrating Value During Times of Change
  • Strengthening Workflows: Developing an Improved Staffing Model to Weather the Winds of Change
  • Trying to Jump-Start Collaborative Collection Development: Finding Simple Methods for Effective Cooperation
  • And many more! See the conference website for a full list.

Conference Rates:
The conference registration fee is $95 ($125 for registration after May 26) and includes all sessions, as well as the reception on Thursday and breakfast and lunch on Friday.

Join your resource sharing partners in harnessing the winds of change!

For hotel reservations and other information, visit the conference website

Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year

Do you have a colleague who has done wonderful work in an academic library? Have they done important research? Have they provided exemplary service to professional organization? The Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries and the Illinois Library Association are looking for nominations for the Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year! Nominations are due by Monday, May 15

The nomination process is simple. You don’t have to have letters of support or lots of other documentation, although you can attach it if available. 

The recipient will receive a certificate, a financial award totaling $500, and have their name added to the plaque at the Illinois State Library. The award is presented by IACRL and CARLI.

You can view a full list of awards at the ILA web site (the application deadline for all of them is May 15). Illinois academic librarians are strongly encouraged to nominate their colleagues or themselves

2017 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology

Timothy Cole, Head of the Mathematics Library and Professor of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, has been selected as the recipient of the 2017 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology, sponsored by OCLC and the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA). Professor Cole also holds appointments in the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship (CIRSS) and the University Library. The Kilgour Award is given for research relevant to the development of information technologies, especially work which shows promise of having a positive and substantive impact on any aspect(s) of the publication, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information, or the processes by which information and data is manipulated and managed. 

Upcoming CARLI Events and Meetings

Important Dates

May 29                       CARLI Office Closed

Forums, Workshops and Training

May 3-4                      New Director’s Institute
May 11                       Voyager Reports Mini-Webinar
May 17-18                  Voyager Cataloging Client Training 
May 19                       Resource Sharing Open House

June 8                         Voyager Reports Mini-Webinar
June 15                        Instruction Showcase


May 2                         Commercial Products Committee  
May 4                         Collection Management Committee    
May 8                         Preservation Committee
May 9                         Created Content Committee
May 15                       Instruction Committee
May 16                       Resource Sharing Committee
May 18                       Public Services Committee
May 23                       CARLI Board Strategic Planning
May 24                       Technical Services Committee
May 24                       SFX Systems Committee

June 1                         Collection Management Committee
June 6                         Commercial Products Committee
June 7                         CARLI Executive Committee Conference Call
June 12                       Preservation Committee
June 13                       Created Content Committee
June 15                        Public Services Committee
June 16                        CARLI Board of Directors Meeting
June 19                        Instruction Committee
June 20                        Resource Sharing Committee
June 28                        Technical Services Committee
June 28                        SFX Systems Committee

Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.

Contact Us

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