Members Attending:
- Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
- Jennifer Hunt Johnson, Illinois State University
- Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University
- Beth McGowan, co-chair, Northern Illinois University
- Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
- Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
- Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
- Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Anne Thomason, co-chair, Lake Forest College
Staff Attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Anne Craig
- Nicole Swanson
- CARLI announcements:
- Nicole followed up from Greg’s question last month regarding the poster session proposal deadlines for The Illinois Library Association Annual Conference in Tinley Park on October 10-12, 2017. She noted that the deadlinewill be later than the March 24th presentations/papers proposal deadline but that the date for the poster deadline has not yet been announced.
- Nicole/Elizabeth reported on these upcoming CARLI programs:
- March 17 – Public Services Committee Open House: Makerspaces at UIUC
- April 3 – Public Services Committee Open Houses: Makerspaces at Winnetka-Northfield Public Library & Northwestern University
- April 25 – Public Services Committee Open Houses: Makerspaces at Chicago Public Library & Illinois Institute of Technology
- April 28 – CARLI Forum on Collections Data Analysis and Maintenance at Governors State University
- All registration information (if available) is available through the CARLI Calendar:
- Anne Craig reported that the CARLI Board met last Friday, March 10. There is no news on budget. CARLI has received approximately half of its state funding for FY17. Strategic planning effort is on-going. CARLI has confirmed with OCLC that the consortium may continue hosting ContentDM for the next few years. The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) has loaded 200,000 images from Illinois’ digital collections. The DPLA will add more items from the state in late March/early April including from several Chicago area Collections. CARLI continues to work on the RFP for I-Share Next. The CARLI Board is planning a new directors institute.
- Member announcements:
- Bonnie invited everyone to ALPLM to view the baseball exhibit about the Cubs/Cardinals which opens on March 24th and will run to end of the year
- Nicole noted that Northwestern University Library has an opening for a conservator. Greg stated it is a vacancy that came open and starts in the fall 2017.
- Annual Project: Disaster Planning
- We checked in on the Newsletter tip assignments:
- 1st week of November (Jenny – Creating a plan): She is partially done, still working on it.
- 1st week of March (Jamie – Midwest and regional vendors): Posted Friday, March 10, 2017, looks good.
- 1st week of April (Beth – Statistics) She is working on it will be ready on time.
- 1st week of May (Anne - Conclusion) Planning on finishing before leaving for vacation.
- June (TBD) Beth will write up a summary of the April workshop with Nicole & Elizabeth taking pictures during the workshop to be combined with Beth’s text.
- Anne and Beth may switch so that the workshop summary report would appear in the May newsletter and the Conclusion of the committee’s annual project done by Anne in June’s newsletter.
- Webliography
- The Committee discussed renaming the Blogs and Listservs section of the Preservation Webliography to “Social Media.”
- The Committee discussed updates to the General Preservation and Conservation Resources section which were submitted in writing prior to the meeting:
- Edit/add to this entry: “A Manual for Small Archives. A succinct, brief overview of good conservation practices published by the Archives Association of British Columbia. Note: copyrighted material; permission requested.”
- Change to: The Archives Association of British Columbia: AABC Archivist’s Toolkit ( “offers access to a wide range of on-line and published resources for archivists and archives workers on all levels.” The Toolkit includes topics such as Introduction to Archives; Establishing an Archives; Acquisition, Appraisal, & Accessioning; Arrangement & Description; Preservation & Emergency Planning; Access & Privacy; Automation & Digitization; Electronic Records & Digital Preservation Management; and more. The AABC publishes the A Manual for Small Archives. An succinct, brief overview of good conservation practices. 204 pages.
- Events/Workshops
- April 10, 2017 Spring Collections Care Workshop: Jennifer Hunt Johnson @ ISU ; Registration is open for additional persons from all libraries. Jen reported she is working on handouts. Melanie asked about supplies to use during the workshop, and Jen asked that they be sent to Milner Library prior to the workshop so as to have them for the set-up.
- Bonnie will host the July 11 workshop and was still wondering about the in-person meeting which would need to be on Monday, July 10th which will be decided at a later date with the new committee members.
- Melanie Schoenborn was confirmed to take minutes.
- The agenda was approved as submitted.
- The February minutes were approved with the one change.
- The “Blogs and Listservs” section of the Preservation Webliography will be renamed to “Social Media.”
- The committee approved updates to the General Preservation and Conservation Resources Section of the Preservation Webliography.
- There was a discussion as to whether an in person meeting in April is necessary. Beth made a motion to hold the April meeting on the 11th over the phone, seconded by Jen. Motion carried unanimously.
- The meeting adjourned at 10:45.
Tasks Assigned
- Elizabeth will share with the Committee possible Tumblr and Twitter additions for the Social Media section of the Preservation Webliography.
- Elizabeth will be sending emails to those registered for the April 10, 2017 workshop; so far a total of 20 have signed up.
- Melanie to send April 10, 2017 workshop supplies Illinois State University to Jen.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Meetings:
- April 10, 2017: Collections Care Workshop 9:00 – 5:00, Illinois State University
- April 11, 2017: 10:00 -- 11:30
- May 8, 2017: 10:00 – 11:30
- June 12, 2017: 10:00 – 11:30
Connection Information:
+1 888 983 3631 (toll-free)
+1 217 332 6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 312 994 8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 55714588