Members attending: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University, Chair), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Lynnette Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Hilary Meyer (Triton College), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Lesley Wolfgang (Lewis University)
Members absent: Denise Cote (College of DuPage), Heather Parisi (Dominican University)
Staff attending: Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage
Geopolitical Monitor - the committee decided they did not believe there would be enough interest to move forward with an agreement at this time due to current budget issues even though the content looked good. Social Work Video Collection - the committee decided they did not believe there would be enough interest to move forward with an agreement at this time due to current budget issues even though the content looked good.
Six libraries have completed their anonymized summaries so far. One library has not gone through major cancellations, so they did not contribute a narrative. Overall summary seems complete. Mary suggests we could use an editor to ensure a single style throughout—Chad will do this and send before the March meeting. We should also ask colleagues to review prior to the March meeting. Jim will add a bibliography.
Conference call on Tuesday, March 7 at 2:00pm