Preservation Committee Meeting: September 12, 2016
Preservation Committee Meeting: September 12, 2016
Members Attending:
Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
Jennifer Hunt Johnson, Illinois State University
Beth McGowan, co-chair, Northern Illinois University
Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Meghan Ryan, National-Louis University
Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Members Absent:
Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University
Anne Thomason, co-chair, Lake Forest College
Staff Attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Minutes of the August 22, 2016, meeting were approved.
The September 12, 2016, agenda was accepted.
The meeting adjourned at 11:09 a.m.
CARLI Annual Meeting will be on November 18, 2016, in Champaign from 10:30 to 3:00 p.m. The Preservation Committee is still waiting to learn whether the committee will present in person.
Senior Director Anne Craig is unable to join the call today but is joining various committees as her schedule allows in order to better acquaint herself with their work.
Annual Project: Disaster Planning
There was discussion about adding the statistics recently covered on the ALA PADG (Preservation Administrator Discussion Group) to the list of topics, and if so, whether to move Anne’s conclusion to May or have two tips on one month.
Melanie reported that she submitted her rough draft for the September newsletter tips to Beth and Elizabeth.
Melanie noted that the Heritage Health Index in the webliography links to a 404 Error page. The program has been transitioned to the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation.
An issue was noted with the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) entry; if there is a change that needs to be approved, send to the group, but if it’s just an update to the URL, notify Elizabeth or Nicole.
The 2015/16 A/V Preservation series is linked under General->Blogs and Listservs.
Committee members were encouraged to review the links in their areas prior to the next meeting.
Fall Open House
The International Preservation Studies Center (formerly known as the Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies) could host a fall event but it would be a 2.5 hour program. Adding a site in Galena and a lunch gathering were discussed in order to make it a full day program. It was suggested that this might work better in the summer, but schedules and instructor availability for IPSC might preclude summer. Beth will look into this.
Spring Collections Care Open House
The supply list and tentative schedule were discussed. Committee members were encouraged to contact Jen by September 15 with supplies their institution could donate. The suggestion was to hold the workshop on a Monday and have the spring committee meeting at ISU on Tuesday; Jen will look into meeting space at ISU. Tentative dates are April 10/11 or April 24/25, 2017.
Water and Mold Recovery Workshop
Currently nothing for the committee to review. Bonnie was a co-presenter on water disaster recovery and will send notes to the committee.
Tasks Assigned
Beth will follow up with the IPSC and inquire about a potential summer program.
Jennifer will finalize supplies (with input from committee members) and check on date availability for the spring workshop at ISU.
Bonnie will send her water disaster recovery notes for the committee to review
Committee members will continue to review webliography links and work on newsletter tips.