Members attending: Chad Buckley (Illinois State University, Chair), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Lynnette Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Heather Parisi (Dominican University), Lesley Wolfgang (Lewis University)
Members absent: Denise Cote (College of DuPage), Hilary Meyer (Triton College)
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon, Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage
Selection system update - The system is currently being used for the CY17 brokering cycle and a few new issues have been identified that will need some updates by the CARLI staff.
The CY17 brokering cycle will be open until November 11.
License agreement update - Cindy provided an update on the status of the new agreements and renewals in process.
The working group has posted their initial notes to a Google Doc. Cindy shared this with Elizabeth to make sure we were not duplicating efforts with the Collection Management Committee. Discussion continued regarding the methodology CARLI members have used to cancel subscriptions. Committee members discussed the postings from the working group and how best to proceed. A recommendation was made that the final document should have a simple list of things to consider when cuts need to be made and some ways to come up with cost per use. It was also suggested some history or background information would be useful. The discussion emphasized that different institutions will take different paths and have different strategies, and those can even vary from year to year.
Working plan:
Working group will solicit input from their institution on what they have posted by the December meeting, and revise their post if necessary.
Before the December meeting the other Committee members will post their experiences to the Google Doc.
Cindy will let Chad know the deadline for a description of the project as soon as this is announced.
Discussion continued regarding possible future programs that may be useful to CARLI members including usage stats webinar presentations from CARLI members and webinars for committee members on vendor perspectives about usage. This could address some of the issues and questions that develop as we work on the annual project.
Conference call on Tuesday, December 6 at 2:00pm