Members attending: Andrea Imre, Lisa Wallis, Max King, Jeffrey Matlak, Andy Meyer, Cindy Scott, Peter Tubbs.
Members absent: Lauren Jackson-Beck, Karen Galacci.
Staff attending: Mary Burkee, Denise Green.
Guests: NA
- No previous minutes as this is the first of the year – meeting began at 10am.The group agreed to try to make the CARLI annual meeting our SFX in person meeting. Will be in late October/early November. If that date doesn’t work for most people we will try to schedule another in person meeting.
- Deliverable ideas for next year: Access issues seem to be of high priority. Issue raised around knowledge base management and best practices – in SFX but also as a general practice that could be beneficial for a possible migration.
- Look at instituting services (CrossRef, SFX, etc…) within large databases like ProQuest / JSTOR.
- SFX Display Features. Maybe loop that into part of Knowledge Base “best practices”? Lake Forest College put forth as a good example. Could possibly do this for the next open conference call.
- Vufind3 roll out and looking at how that will effect SFX. What level of integration do you have, how much do you include in this, what amount of work does this entail?
- Assessment of SFX. How can you tease out UX data? Are people using Queries? Are people using UStat? How do you pull in outside material (COUNTER, etc…?)
- The meeting was adjourned at 11:20am.
- Minutes will rotate alphabetically.
- Login to the CARLI website at: https://www.carli.illinois.edu/users
Tasks assigned:
- Andrea Imre on minutes next meeting.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- Next Meeting: August 24th, 10am, Webex/Call-in
- Schedule of Meetings: 4th Wednesday of every month at 10am.
- Quarterly Conference Call: October 13th. Topic still needs to be decided.