Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason, Chair (Lewis University), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology,) Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso
Guest: Matt Short (Northern Illinois University)
Confirm Minutes Taker
- Ellen volunteered to take minutes.
Acceptance of Last Meeting's Minutes
- Minutes of the May 24 meeting were approved.
Welcome New Members
- Incoming member Matt Short (NIU) was welcomed to the committee. Caroline Sietmann (Dominican University) will also be joining the group next term.
Ongoing Projects Update
- Featured Image (Ellen)
- The FY15/16 schedule has concluded. Alice and Ellen expressed interest in continuing to participate during July until the committee regroups.
- Amy reminded the group that the old wiki will be going away as of July 1. The most recent items have been moved to the new group space on the CARLI website []; Amy is looking into how to archive older documentation. Committee members were reminded to sign up for user accounts.
- Digitized Book (Alice)
- Alice will be posting on Friday.
- Jen asked about cross-posting features from the CARLI website on Tumblr. She will revise the Featured Image instructions to include creating text posts on Tumblr linking to the features on the CARLI site.
- Podcast
- Tumblr Project
- Jen will post on Tumblr for the next two weeks (June 28-July 8); Ian and Sarah will also each take a week (Ian July 11-15, Sarah July 18-22).
- Jen reported Tumblr statistics for the past month: 191 page views, 104 followers, 154 notes.
Elect New Committee Chair for FY17
- Margaret nominated herself, with the caveat that she will be on leave for a few months in the fall (September-November). Ellen offered to assist with chairing duties while Margaret is on leave. Margaret was elected by committee vote.
Plan for Summer Meeting
- Amy reported that in-person meetings, with the exception of those already scheduled, are on hold (noting funding and budget issues, as well as the CARLI Director transition this summer). She proposed planning for a longer conference call or video conferencing through AdobeConnect. There was general support for the video conferencing option, though Amy will get a new conference call number as a backup. Chicago-area members will be looking into the possibility of video conferencing as a group. Amy will send out a Doodle poll for scheduling (3-hour blocks, either 9-12 or 1-4, during the last week of July or the second or third weeks of August).
Other Items from the Floor
- Alice (outgoing Chair) and Anne (outgoing member) were thanked for their service.
Next Meeting