Conference Call
Members Present: Colleen Bannon, Frances Brady, Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels, Larissa Garcia, Michelle Guittar, Kristina Heady, Beth Mandrell, Lora Smallman, Chelsea Van Riper, Anne Zald
Members Absent: None.
CARLI Staff Present: Debbie Campbell & Lorna Engels
Van Riper called the meeting to order at 1:32pm. Adjourn: 2:45pm
- CARLI Report
- Campbell reported that several institutions will be joining I-Share in the upcoming year, including Blackhawk College and Lombard Theological Seminary.
- CARLI newsletter available from
- IACRL pre-conference March 17, 2016, Chicago Marriott O’Hare
- Zald will do morning workshop from 10-12:30pm, and Lisa Hinchliffe will do an afternoon program.
- Zald clarified that the room will be set up for a presentation and workshop format, and CARLI will take care of handouts.
- Spring in-person meeting, April 6, 2016, 10 am-2 pm, CARLI Office
- Will finalize annual project at this meeting.
Discussion and Tasks Assigned:
- Discuss IACRL pre-conference panelists
- Coding 2015 Instruction Showcase proposals
- We will complete this task at the April 6 meeting.
- Discuss possibilities for annual project
- Step-by-step guide/template for implementing workshop ideas
- Theme: Framing the Big Picture of Library Instruction. Based on Framework, how can we implement it in our individual institutions.
- Fall webinar: Writing Learning Outcomes; spring program: Zald’s Curriculum Mapping workshop
- Annual project should complement the events we’ve already scheduled.
- Ideas for annual project: How have you changed your teaching to fit the Framework?
- How would this look as a project?
- Tangible resource that summarizes webinar and workshop to complement the toolkit: step-by-step guide from the events that can guide implementation, either in classroom directly or influence conversations with faculty.
- Poll of CARLI community and compile results on: faculty conversations about instruction and/or Framework usage, and scenario for this conversations take place.
- Poll could lead to literature review and/or call for case studies
- ACRL Spotlight on Scholarship on the Framework
- Application/what to do next? (recalls the Faculty Collaboration webinar from winter 2015).
- Discussion on committee member experiences: Each member of the committee asked to speak as representative of their own institutional type and experience with faculty outreach.
- Several librarians spoke that they may do a faculty orientation or outreach event, but really work with a group of “core believers.” Zald noted that institutional impact really comes from the administration.
- What do administrators need from librarians to make a case for information literacy and/or library instruction?
- Metrics, such as student success, retention, and graduation
- Personal anecdotal stories/qualitative data.
- Lots of different experiences with administration support with information literacy
- Framing Information Literacy: could summarize and add to events sponsored throughout the year to benefit the CARLI membership and community at large.
- Add step-by-step guide to implementing the webinar and curriculum mapping workshop.
- 3 members work on summarizing main points of each event and adding some content to each event: 3 members webinar, 3 members work on mapping workshop, and 3 members work on streamlining Instruction Showcase event process - including structure, logistics, proposal process.
- Webinar: Lora, Larissa, Beth
- Workshop: Anne, Michelle, Frances
- Showcase: Christina, Colleen, Chelsea
- Be ready to share at April meeting. Debbie and Lorna could set up conference call if need be.
- Annual project work distribution
Meeting Dates & Deadlines
- April 6th in-person meeting to review group work and begin finalizing project
- Instruction Showcase location and date TBD