Patrick Brown, Southern Illinois University – Carbondale
Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University
Miriam Centeno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University
Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville
Members Absent:
Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University
Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
Anne Thomason, Lake Forest College
Staff Attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Jenny Dunbar was selected to take minutes.
The March 2016 agenda was accepted.
The February 2016 minutes were approved.
Meeting adjourned at 10:32 a.m.
Elizabeth indicated that the job listing for Susan Singleton’s position has been posted. If anyone knows of qualified persons they should refer them to the CARLI website.
Discussion Items
Annual Project/Newsletter Tips on Audio Visual Preservation:
Work continues on the remaining Newsletter tips and case studies.
Everyone on the committee should begin looking for websites we can use as a potential model for the website portion of the annual project. Beth requested that we send any links to her by April 12 so she can send them along with the agenda for the in-person April meeting.
Elizabeth and Nicole have the appropriate system authority to implement the annual project website.
Preservation Resources Webliography:
Committee members need to finish reviewing existing links and advise the committee of any potential additions/deletions for their approval.
Spring Open House:
There are 14 persons other than committee members registered for the open house. The limit is 35 total.
Elizabeth and Nicole will be registering open house participants prior to the workshop and asked if any committee members could assist. Patrick and Melanie volunteered.
Tasks Assigned
Patrick and Melanie will be assisting Elizabeth and Nicole with registration for the Open House.
All committee members – look for website models for the annual project website.
All committee members – continue working on outstanding webliography links, newsletter tips, and case studies.
Miriam will send handouts for the open house to Nicole for CARLI to print.
The Preservation Committee annual report to CARLI will be created by the co-chairs – Beth and Miriam.
Next Meeting Dates
April 19, 2016 in-person at the CARLI office in Champaign at 10:00 a.m.