Conference Call
Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library)
Members absent: None
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso, Elizabeth Clarage
Meeting started at 11:03 a.m.
Confirm Minutes Taker
- Anne Shelley is taking minutes.
Acceptance of Last Meeting's Minutes
- No changes suggested.
- Margaret moved to accept minutes.
- Adam seconded.
- Minutes approved.
Ongoing Projects Updates
- Featured Image (Ellen)
- Ellen reported that the project is carrying on with postings every two weeks.
- Alice noted a lot of new collections have been posted recently so more images are available.
- Digitized Book (Alice)
- Alice reported the project is going well. She thanked everyone who is participating.
- Podcast (Margaret)
- Margaret reported that a podcast on the Tumblr project will be recorded on February 5th at 2:30.
- Alice, Jen, and Margaret will talk about setting up the Tumblr account, what’s worked well, challenges, etc.
- Margaret asked Amy if they could use CARLI’s Adobe Connect setup for the recording and Amy said yes.
- Margaret will send Amy details to set up recording.
- For another podcast on the DPLA Illinois Initiative, Margaret spoke with Sandra Fritz at the Illinois State Library.
- They plan to schedule an interview for mid-to-late February. Margaret asked for a second interviewer; Adam volunteered.
- Margaret also asked for committee members to send her suggestions for questions to ask Fritz, who needs at least a week to look at the questions prior to the interview.
- Google Analytics (Adam, Margaret)
- Margaret posted instructions on how to create the reports on the wiki, so that procedure is available now.
- Suggested committee members look to see if they would be useful for their institutions.
- Amy posted new reports and explanations yesterday and plans to send an e-mail to CONTENTdm contacts and digital collections interest group alerting users to the change and sending link to historical versions and the new ones. She sent the link to the committee:
- Tumblr Project Update (Jen)
- Jen sent an e-mail recently saying the initial Tumblr account was set up as secondary and had limited functionality for our goals, so a new account has been created.
- Documentation has been updated and we are following some accounts, and have at least one follower.
- Margaret has posted once already and scheduled for the rest of the week; she has also been reblogging.
- Jen mentioned that we are still only using images from a small subset of institutions. Here is the URL for the public view:
- Adam asked about swapping his week in April, Jen suggested scheduling ahead of time. Discussion ensued. Adam decided to schedule.
- Alice pointed out that other posters can see draft posts from others – in dashboard (queued posts) – and when they are scheduled to post.
- Ellen asked Adam and Margaret for advice on which of their institutions’ collections she should look in for images.
- Margaret suggested looking at the CDM collections and Omeka digital special collections because they are more image based.
- Adam suggested the Columbian Exposition and Building History collections.
Other Items from the Floor
Meeting adjourned at 11:24.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be February 23, 2016.