Conference Call
Members present: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jennifer Wolfe (Newberry Library)
Members absent: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso, Elizabeth Clarage
Acceptance of Last Meeting’s Minutes
- No needed corrections were noted.
- Jen spoke up in favor of re-blogging, etc. as referenced in last month’s minutes, this was tabled until later in the meeting.
- Minutes approved.
CARLI Public Wiki Content (Amy)
- CARLI has deemed that due to low use and redundancy in functionality with the new Drupal website, it would be advisable to migrate CARLI public wiki content to the new Drupal site and abandon the CARLI public wiki.
- The Created Content Committee created a CONTENTdm resource list ( -- Amy asked if this should be maintained and/or updated.
- The internal committee wiki will be maintained at least through the current committee cycle.
- Alice suggested that the content on the public wiki is useful, but that the committee may not have time to work on it. Amy has copied the content, and can work on it over the next few months. She will create a Google Doc version to be updated by committee members, and Amy can make changes on the website as needed.
- Margaret suggested updating broken links & job titles immediately, then waiting until the next committee cycle to do more detailed editing.
Ongoing Projects Updates
- Featured image
- Nothing to report -- work continues.
- Digitized Book
- Project is going along smoothly.
- Podcast
- Margaret had no updates. A DPLA interview is still being planned, and the committee may discuss other episode ideas in January.
- Tumblr
- Alice has changed the URL and updated draft guidelines based on ideas from last month’s meeting.
- Project participants were finalized. Alice will create a calendar and distribute it in time to have the project up and running in early to mid-January.
- Jen brought up ease of scheduling -- Alice suggested that this may be a best practice moving forward, rather than posting every day.
- Jen brought up the positives of active engagement, not just posting images. Margaret suggested that everyone gets in the habit of checking Tumblr, re-blogging, etc. In addition to the person scheduled for that week, the guidelines will encourage others to interact with other Tumblr users as well.
- Tagging consistency was discussed, guidelines are included in Alice’s draft guidelines document.
- Guidelines will be updated regarding liking, re-blogging etc. The current posting person for that week will also be in charge of this activity for the week, though other committee members will be encouraged to participate as well.
- Alice will add section about linking to featured books and images to guidelines document.
- Margaret discussed how to access and interpret statistics in the Tumblr interface.
Other Items from the Floor
- Amy notified the group that CARLI is working on previously advised updates to CARLI Digital Collections page today.
- Margaret added new Google Analytics notes to wiki -- small changes will need to be made to the text on the web site, maybe just taken as-is from wiki?
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be January 26, 2016.