The CARLI office will be closed from December 24 through January 1 and will reopen on January 4. ILDS will not provide delivery service on December 24, December 25, December 31 or January 1. Business will resume on January 4.
Please send an email to CARLI support or call toll free 866-904-5843 to report any problems or concerns. Callers will have the option to page a tech support staff person to report a system outage or any other serious problem. CARLI staff will respond to all other issues and reports when regular business hours resume.
Paige Weston, Senior Library Services Coordinator at CARLI, will retire at the end of 2015. We extend our thanks to Paige for her more than 20 years of service to ILCSO and CARLI. We wish her many years of happy, healthy retirement. Paige herself says, “I wish I could say ‘goodbye’ and 'thank you’ to each of you individually. It has been a joy and an honor to collaborate with all you splendid colleagues, together seeking better resource sharing in Illinois. I look forward, indeed, to a happy and healthy retirement, and leave the CARLI Office with my heart full of gratitude for the many happy years that preceded retirement (it hardly ever felt like work). All the best! pw"
The CARLI Collection Management Committee is exploring interest in collaborative collection development of monographs. The committee will use survey results to help coordinate future opportunities for collaboration, which may include meetings, webinars, workshops, or other activities. Past CARLI collaborative projects have included consortially funded print and ebook demand driven acquisitions programs.
The survey will be available until January 8, 2016.
The Public Services Committee is planning a series of Open Houses for the Spring Semester. The libraries involved will share their use of free or easily available software to enhance reference, circulation, student worker management and other aspects of library user services. More information will be available in the new year.
The annual online certification process for libraries that are members of a regional library system begins January 4, 2016. The annual certification process is required of all CARLI member libraries in order to remain eligible for CARLI membership, and to qualify for continuing system services and grants programs from the Illinois State Library. The window for certification will close March 31, 2016.
All CARLI libraries are also required to complete the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Traffic Survey. This survey must be completed before submitting the annual online certification. The survey can be completed any time prior to the certification deadline, March 31. I-Share libraries should consult the Statistics section of the CARLI web site or the article in the I-Share Section below for more information about using UB Stat 4 to complete your ILLINET survey.
More information about certification is available at the State Library’s Annual Library Certification Web page as well.
The end of calendar year 2015 brings the annual season for filling out academic library surveys. These include the ILLINET/Illinois State Library ILL report and the IPEDS, ACRL and ARL surveys.
Please see section 3 of the CARLI web page on “The I-Share Annual Statistics Package” for advice on using Voyager reports and CARLI's Annual Statistics Package to help fill out these surveys. CARLI staff recently revised the page to reflect changes in survey questions and definitions, especially from the IPEDS and ACRL. For your convenience, CARLI's page will link you to the IPEDS, ACRL and ARL sample forms, instructions and glossaries.
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is seeking for papers to be presented at the IFLA Information Literacy Section Satellite Preconference to be held at DePaul University's, Lincoln Park Campus in Chicago on August 11-12th, 2016. This preconference is being held in conjunction with the 82nd IFLA World Library and Information Conference in Columbus, OH on August 13-19, 2016.
This satellite conference will feature both practice and theory on the myriad ways in which primary sources and museum collections can be integrated into instructional programs.
Proposals are welcome from library and museum practitioners, educators, and researchers from around the world. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Proposal formats can include research papers, practical presentations, panels, interactive workshops, pecha kucha/lightning rounds, and poster sessions.
All proposals must be submitted by February 1, 2016, using the Proposal Submission Form.
For complete details visit the event web page. You may also contact Sharon Mader or Terry Taylor, for further information.
December 24-January 1 CARLI Office Closed
January 18 CARLI Office Closed
December 22 Created Content Committee
January 4 Technical Services Committee
January 5 Commercial Products Committee
January 13 SFX System Committee
January 14 Public Services Committee
Collection Management Committee
January 21 Resource Sharing Committee
January 25 Preservation Committee
January 26 Created Content Committee
February 1 Technical Services Committee
February 2 Commercial Products Committee
February 10 SFX System Committee
February 11 Public Services Committee
February 15 Preservation Committee
February 18 Collection Management Committee
Resource Sharing Committee
February 23 Created Content Committee
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.