Group 4. Million Man March 039
Note the digital date stamp on this image from SIUE's collection documenting the Million Man March: '10 16 95'. Exactly one week from today marks the twentieth anniversary of the historic event, a mass gathering of African-American men held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
Truthfully, there are many more interesting images among the more than 900 photographs that preserve a visual record of the experience from pre- to post-march. I zeroed in on this one because it includes two identifiable public figures.
Can you name the people in this picture? A hint for those who don't immediately recognize them: This image depicts one of the celebrities in attendance alongside the creator/donor of these photographs digitized by the Lovejoy Library. (Hint #2: The latter's initials appear in the name of the digital collection.)
On the right is Eugene B. Redmond, poet, scholar, and SIUE professor. At left is Stanley Kirk Burrell, better known by his nom de hip-hop, MC Hammer. Most of the people pictured in this collection, however, aren't so easily identified. That's where you--yes, YOU--come in.
During the months of October and November, SIUE Library and Information Services invites you to tag yourself or someone you know in a photo of the Million Man March or one of the related events featured in this digital collection. Visit to share what you know about these historic photos. And while you're at it, check out Path to "Visible Glory," the digital exhibition of ephemera, manuscripts, audio files, and other materials from the Redmond Collection.
Written by Ellen K. Corrigan, Associate Professor, Cataloging Services, Booth Library, Eastern Illinois University
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