Conference Call
Members attending: Sally Gibson, Illinois State University; Pam Hackbart-Dean, chair, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Jane Hopkins, Greenville College; Kristina Howard, Prairie State College; Susan Prokopeak, chair-elect/vice-chair, Joliet Junior College; John Small, North Central College; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Members absent: Christophe Andersen, Columbia College Chicago; Jeffry Archer, University of Chicago;
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Jen Masciadrelli
- The survey for eBook Symposium was sent to participants. Out of 85 attendees, 26 have filled out the evaluation. Overall, the evaluations are positive. Responses will be collected until May 22.
- The CARLI staff is preparing for the Voyager upgrade to 9.1.1 on June 12th.
- SIUC hired a tenure track Education Coordinator. The search for the Manuscript Archivist position is still in process. The responsibilities of the Interim Dean of Libraries will be split between 3 Associate Deans.
- JCC requested its Board approve the replacement of a librarian position. The Associate Dean of Library search failed.
- ISU received funding approval to fix the plaza. The collection must be moved and stored during construction. In preparation, the collection will be weeded.
- Lynn, John, and Pam’s term on the committee ends in June 2015. Committee members thanked them for all their contributions to the committee. Three new members will start in July 2015. Susan Prokopeak will be the committee’s chair.
- Kristina agreed to take minutes
- The committee reviewed, edited, and approved its Annual Report
- The committee reviewed and approved its Annual Project. No additional resources were added.
- Discussion of Fall 2015 educational programs was moved to June 4th meeting
Tasks Assigned
- Elizabeth will send eBook Symposium evaluations and webinar suggestions to committee.
- Committee will send a thank you card to keynote speaker, Michael Zeoli. Lynn will draft the letter, and Pam will send it to Michael.
Next Meeting
June 4, 2015: 10:00 – 11:30 Conference Call [rescheduled to June 11]