Members attending: Susie Bossenga (Midwestern University), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Luann DeGreve (Benedictine University), Ann Johnston (Olivet Nazarene University), Ruth Lindemann (Danville Area Community College), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Staff attending: Cindy Clennon
The FY16 selection cycle closes on May 15th and 11 libraries still need to make selections. Given the uncertain budget, libraries should only select items that they will be able to afford. If the budget is better than anticipated CARLI will help reinstate any subscriptions when the budget is finalized by the state.
New Selection System: The new selection is moving forward but taking longer than expected. The proposed launch plan is in the works for an expected late July or early August launch. The system will need to be completed and thoroughly tested before the beginning of the CY 2016 selection cycle in October.
The Springer e-book offer will be open until the end of June and interested libraries will be invoiced directly by Springer.
Impelsys Medical eBook Subscription: There was a question as to whether the offer was a subscription or a purchase of the e-books. There might be some interest once more is known about the model. Cindy will follow-up with the vendor for additional information.
Film Industry Data: Cindy received no interest from the libraries queried. This product could be included in a future interest survey.
The Chair wanted to make sure that all of the edits were completed. The project deadline is May 31st and the document will be included in the materials for the CARLI board meeting in June. Cindy will be out of the office for a week after May 30th.
Planning continued for the Usage Statistics Webinar series. The first session will be in June and Cindy will contact Alexander Street Press this week about possible times for their two presentations. The committee decided to develop a list of questions to help guide discussions with future vendors/presenters as a baseline to ensure that specific issues or topics were covered by all the presenters. It was suggested that the presentations by Alexander Street Press can be used as a model to help identify information to be covered by future presenters. The committee thought most of the major vendors that work with CARLI should be invited to participate. The conferencing software at CARLI will be available for the vendors to use or they can use their own software as long as the sessions can be archived and made available on the CARLI website.
The report is due May 31 and should highlight the webinars, the licensing principles, and the group’s participation in the e-book symposium along with the normal committee review activities.
Conference call on Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 1:30pm