Miriam Centeno, 2014-2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jenny Dunbar, 2014-2015, College of DuPage
Greg MacAyeal, 2014-2017, Northwestern University
Beth McGowan, 2013-2016, Northern Illinois University
Anne Thomason, 2014-2017, Lake Forest College
Sandra Fritz, 2013-2015, Illinois State Library
Member absent:
Lorraine Olley, 2013-2015, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
Staff attending:
Nicole Swanson
Staff absent:
Elizabeth Clarage
April minutes were approved.
Committee will meet Tuesday, May 19th at 9:30 for final discussion of the annual project.
Miriam and Beth volunteered to be co-chairs for the next committee cycle.
Sandra volunteered to write a Save the Date for the IFSI program.
IFSI Summer Burn Recovery Workshop:
CARLI staff is attempting to contact the Heritage Preservation organization to order Emergency Response and Salvage Wheels for workshop attendees before the organization dissolves.
Registration for all attendees will open June 1st. Committee members are encouraged to register before May 29.
Annual Project
Members wish to expand the recommendations section of the Annual Project.
It was suggested that the survey be conducted every 3rd year to keep benchmarking.
Beth is writing the Newsletter Preservation Tip for May.
Annual Report
A one page report needs to be completed by 5/20.
Approval will be conducted via the email list.
Tasks Assigned
All members- add any edits to the Annual Project in Google Docs prior to May 19th.
Beth will add the 51st survey to the Annual Project data.
All members- check your webliography links if you haven’t already.
Elizabeth and Greg, the Heritage preservation links will need to be adjusted under the General Preservation and Conservation Resources blind.
UIUC is working on an IMLS grant on a survey that will gather info from libraries and other cultural heritage institutions such as museums to assess the impact of preservation treatment and activity.